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Ranger 482

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Everything posted by Ranger 482

  1. Ranger sells a concentrated boat wash. Works like a charm. I also like to follow up with a wax. I, right now, am using the wax that Ranger sells and markets. It is a one step wax. I have a friend that uses a product called Restore. This seems to do a nice job restoring the shine and finish for his boat. Good luck!
  2. I have enjoyed success with Spike-it aerosols in garlic and crawfish flavors. Spike-it also makes an aerosol called slime-it. This actually helps put a slime coat on your lure and helps it come through cover better. I have also found that using a scent gives me a little boost of confidence. Good luck!
  3. Congrats. on your purchase. I am no expert, but, I would advise getting as good of cover as you can afford. Maybe as part of your boat purchase deal you can get one at a discount or something. Not only does it help protect your boat and deter would be pilferage, if it is a good fit you will actually get better gas mileage when towing. At least that has been my experience. Hope this helps, or that you receive some other repsonses that are beneficial. Again congrats on your purchase. Don't worry, the nerves will settle down about the time to winterize it.
  4. I am I alone in using a carolina rig in the spring? For pre-spawn bass staging on main lake and secondary points, I have found it to be a useful technique.
  5. It has been my experience that in the early spring the sun is your friend. I would fish the sunny day. Probably your best fishing will be in the late afternoon. Good luck and bass wishes.
  6. Hi, New to the forum. Need help finding IMS smart map mini-cartridges for my Global Map 2000. I know that LEI doesn't make these anymore and the only outlet I have found is Cableas. However, the chips that Cabelas have are not conducive to my geographic region. I am looking for Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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