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Everything posted by bassin_man

  1. Want my opinion? Go with the Crucial in my opinion almost as good as rod and you will save money. Will the Kistler be more sensitive, maybe a hair. But I will say this the Crucial is still very sensitive and won't cause you to lose any fish by not being able to feel them. Most of my rods from now on are going to be Crucials because they offer a superior rod at a great price and definately could get away with charging more if they wanted to. Not to mention the over the counter warranty is a big plus.
  2. Switched to firefox and hardly ever use IE anymore. Supposbly firefox has a video download tool where you can download videos your watching on websites such as youtube, etc. does anyone know what I am talking about and where I can find it on firefox?
  3. Anyone have any info on these?
  4. I am needing a new pair of polarized glasses. All I have at this moment in time are el cheapo's. I was planning on getting some Costa glasses but its not going to be in the budget but would still like to upgrade at least a little bit better. I was looking the other day and came across the Fisherman Eyewear Guideline glasses specifically the Mantis series for $50-$60 available in blue, greay, brown, and copper. I was thinking about buying a copper pair. They fit me nice and they seem to be really good polarized glasses for the money when I tried them on. It also says they are 100% UV Protection. Does anyone use or has anyone used Fisherman Guideline glasses? How well do they work out on the water as far as being able to see into the water, headaches, eye fatigue, etc. Thanks
  5. I went with the 8 lb Ultra Soft for drop shot. Now after thinking about it and reading more I almost wish I would have went with 6 instead.
  6. I would do that in an instant. Like mentioned not only is it the money but the adventure of it all. I'm sure theres an adrenalin rush aspect to it also. Anymore since they implemented the qouta system its very hard to get on the boats unless your friend/family/ or an experienced crab fisherman.
  7. I guess I will see. I am giving Ultra Soft on both spinning and baitcasting this year as it seems RW speaks very highly of the stuff so I figured it couldn't hurt to try it.
  8. Not for me. I did break into peer pressure once when most of my friends dipped when I was younger. I tried it a couple times and it just wasn't for me. Thank God. Same way for smoking.
  9. I agree with what you have heard. Crucials are great rods for the money. Most if not all rods I buy from now on are going to be Crucials. I put a Stradic Mg on a 6'8" crucial dropshot rod and it balanced perfectly and felt great. You can't go wrong with any Crucial.
  10. While I do use some Zoom trickworms I mainly use Shakit's ( http://www.joesjigtrailers.com/shakit.htm ) it looks like the new finessit's should be a killer so I got stocked up on them to.
  11. I recently sold off most of my rods to switch all over to Shimano Crucials. This leaves me with few good rods. Since I only need three rods at this time I am looking for everyones suggestion on what Crucial baitcast rods I should buy. Basically looking for what power/action I should look at getting for each seperate rod to have a good all around group for most techniques. P.S. I did keep my Loomis 844 so I don't need a rod for jig, frog, etc. fishing.
  12. Wooohoo I had both Derek and Ike on my fantasy team! ;D To bad I only have one other angler in the top 50 and the other two that didn't make the cut or else I could of had one heck of a weekend. Congrats to Derek for a great win.
  13. I feel Cabela's rods are great rods for the money. I had recieved a XML as a gift. It felt great in my hands, light, and sensitive, the XML ti is suppose to be even better. If you are looking at buying a XML or XML ti I wouldn't hesitate one bit.
  14. I am curious about this also since I planned on buying a Stradic and putting Yo Zuri on it.
  15. Sounds good. I got a new job were it is important to look very professional and I'm not quite sure if raccoon eyes are the most professional looking thing. ;D
  16. Has anyone tried putting 12# Ultra Soft on a reel rated for 10# max? How did it work out?
  17. Not trying to hijack the post but is there a big difference between a regular crank and a custom balsa one? Thanks
  18. For all my favorite and go to baits I keep at least 2 and sometimes 3 on hand.
  19. Does anyone know of a way to prevent or at least lesson the "raccoon eyes" one gets from wearing glasses all day while out on the water? I could put on sunblock but then my face would be nice and white compaired to the rest of my body.
  20. Yup and there are still some heavy hitters that need to weigh-in still. I'm not sure who is running the real-time leaderboard but it must of been a long night for them last night, kind of slow compared to the video feed not to mention that the person they have listed as "on stage" is never right. ;D
  21. Well I did some looking and answered my own question. So I am off to do some quick shopping at Joe's and then watch a 3 pm weigh-in.
  22. Should be interesting to see. I agree with everyone else that it will take some heavy sacks to win this tournament. Is the weigh-in going to be on the internet for the Elite series to? Or was that just a one time deal with the Classic?
  23. I noticed that to watching the replay of the Classic. I forgot that exact name but I think it was a power plant putting off the heated water/current.
  24. Im not sure if you got the xtools set so you wouldn't have to poke through the basses mouth. But I thought I saw during the classic someone using the xtools set but they took the plastic clip off and put a metal one that went through the mouth in its place. Its an idea if they don't work out as planned.
  25. I remember that. But what do they really expect putting both up in the front of the boat when they are use to fishing by themselves in the front. Being use to being in the front by yourself I am sure one could forgot that another person is there. The surprising part is it seemed Clausen kept his cool about it, at least if he was mad he didn't show it. He actually even joked around about it a bit.
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