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Everything posted by bassin_man

  1. My friend and I are planning to head out to his cabin tonight to do some night fishing along with some bassin tomorrow. It has rained probably somewhere around 2-3" the last couple of days here with highs in the high 70's maybe low 80's. Tomorrow it looks like its going to be sunny with high in the mid-90's. I'm expecting the water to be a bit murky. We were planning on hitting shallow water weedbeds but not sure anymore. What tactics would everyone use with these conditions? Thanks
  2. Just out of curiosity what is the reasoning behind them not allowing anglers to wear their own logos after the cut? I wonder if that has an affect on the possible sponsors that are looking to sponsor these anglers?
  3. Sounds like I missed an interesting episode.
  4. You have a point. But my main question is how does a person that is fishing as a co-angler go about trying to find a boat to pre-fish out of? Also from my understanding is that your not allowed to wear any patches/logo's of company's that aren't sponsoring the FLW is that correct? Thanks
  5. But basically its worthless for you to try and pre-fish it since your boater is going to have complete control over the boat.
  6. I plan on fishing the BFL next year as a co-angler. I was wondering if anyone here has ever fished it as a co-angler. Did you ever pre-fish to try and see how the fish were acting or since you wouldn't have control of the boat/spots skip pre-fishing? If you did pre-fish how did you go about finding a ride to pre-fish out of? Thanks
  7. I have a late 1970 Starcraft Tri-hull. Its mainly used for catfishing, shooting carp, snagging, etc. Was checking out the boat today and noticed what I think to be a small (3" x 24") rotten spot in the floor. Can I expect the rest of the floor to start going to here soon? Will this affect the boat at all other than having a soft spot? Does it need to be fixed? Are there any cheap fixes? Since its an older boat and its used mainly for the type of fishing that its going to get dirty anyways and we didn't pay much for it just don't want to put to much money into it. That and I'm saving all the money I can for a bass boat this winter. Thanks
  8. Nice fish. I agree Kansas has the better waters but we get to drive Freeman into the ground this year. I still can't believe that no series injuries came out of that facemask though.
  9. Take the job man if you get the chance. It took me almost one year of applying to get a job at a outdoors retail store. I finally did receive my chance at Cabela's. I drive 35-40 minutes (depending on traffic) one way for work but you know what I don't really care because I am working at a place I want to work until I get my degree done. Heck I might see if I can go back down to part-time once I'm done with college for a little extra income. Plus the discount doesn't hurt either.
  10. Anybody else?
  11. I have a chance to buy some Berkley Frenzy medium and deep diving crankbaits for a little over $1. I have never used them before. Are these baits worth a darn?
  12. I'm definately not limiting myself to the boats I posted about. I will be looking at any brand boat and will choose the one I like the best overall.
  13. Man that post sure did get attention quick. ;D
  14. P.S. Does anyone have the picture of that nice women holding up a nice pair of bass? I know some of you know of the picture I'm talking about.
  15. I'm don't plan on buying a small boat. Sure it would do fine in my immediate area but I plan on doing trips to big lakes. Don't plan on buying new either I don't want to be the one that loses all the depreciation money the second it comes off the lot. I was thinking that I should be able to hopefully get one of the three mentioned boats in my price range that is around the 2000 year range.
  16. Ok what would be the boats you look into buying having a $15,000 budget with the max possibly being $20,000? My favorites at this moment are Ranger, Triton, and Bass Cat is no particular order but have really taken a liking to Bass Cat's but they seem like they are very hard to find in my price range for one I want. What I mean by that is a boat that is no less than 19' and preferably longer than that can handle big water with a minimum of a 200 engine pushing it along.
  17. Since Tom left, Nebraska has lost its idenity. No more 9 plays offensively, you guys lined up and ran over teams!!! One of college footballs best power run offenses for decades. Now the run and shoot, and the Big XII isn't as scared of the BIG RED MACHINE as it once was. When I was younger in the late 60's and early 70's, the OU vs NU game on Thanksgiving day was one of the highlights of the day. Osborne going against Switzer was always a classic. bassin_man, welcome to Longhorn turf!!!! LOL and Hookem Matt Bill is slowly turning it around. It takes a good 3-4 years minimum for a team to go to a complete opposite system than what it was running. While Nebraska is quit not yet at what they use to be they are slowly getting there. The problem with the offense now is that if the run isn't working its going to cause the pass to not really work either. You have to get the ground game working in order for the air game to work if not your screwed. I wish they would go back to a OU vs NU game every year like they use to. P.S. Hopefully the Longhorns aren't so lucky with recovering a fumble with the clock winding down that led to the game winnerlike they were last season. All he had to do was protect and hang onto the ball and the game was over. O well thats why they play the game.
  18. Born, Raised, and always will be a Nebraska Cornhusker fan.
  19. I'm not going but I have a favor to ask. How about some nice pictures and info. of the new Shimano rod/reels that are coming out?
  20. Mark another Shimano guy down. A Castaic 201 to be exact. Just bought it this year and already love it.
  21. I figured the LC hooks are fine. Im mainly lookng at replacing some on my ratltraps and older cranks where the hooks have become dull and no longer useful.
  22. When replacing factory hooks on crankbaits what size and brand/type does everyone use? Has anyone ever found a need to replace hooks on a Lucky Craft crank out of the box?
  23. Ya there site has been really slow lately and sometimes not even loading. I also noticed that whole sale problem. I went to order some more LC RC cranks but now they are listed as on Sale but back at regular price like you mentioned.
  24. For your price range I would be sure to check out the Fisherman Eyewear Guideline series at Cabelas. They run anywhere from $40-$80 depending on what pair and if you want photochromic or not. I was looking at them the other day and I was very happy with them. I compared them to Oakley's and in all honesty I liked them almost just as much as I did the Oakley's. The lenses are polycarbonate and they provide that UV protection your looking for. I think they would be a good choice for you in that range. I'm not sure about you but I don't like buying sunglasses without getting them in my hands and trying them on as they all fit and feel different. Me personally I'm going to probably end up buying either the Cabo or Mantis in brown or copper.
  25. I would take a look at the Crucial crankbait medium/mod. fast. Its made of the new TC4 composite which is a new blend that seems to make them lighter but tougher. Its rated for baits all the way up to 5/8 oz. Plenty sensitive for crankbait fishing. Not to mention its cheaper than loomis and Kistler and has a great over the counter warranty replacement program.
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