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Everything posted by bassin_man

  1. Doesn't work either way. It always just stays on that screen shot.
  2. Hmmm videos aren't playing for me. I get the first screenshot and thats as far as it goes.
  3. I don't follow this kind of stuff much so could someone explain to me what exactly your talking about?
  4. Ya personally I really think new is the way to go or a couple years old. Unfortunately because of lower finances available than I previously thought it looks like its going to a used older (around year 2000) boat in the $15k area.
  5. bassin_man


    I play it on the Pc and this game is great. I just love the online play.
  6. Anyone have an update on how they are doing?
  7. I would give the Shimano Cumara line a look also. I have two Cumara rods right now. They are very lite, sensitive, and some compare them to being just as good if not a little bit better than a IMX. Its just to bad I have to wait another two months before I get to put them to a true test. :'(
  8. When you went to buy your full sized bass boat did you buy new or used and why?
  9. I kind of like the charter boat idea. Might have to look into that.
  10. I'm going to be starting to throw swimbaits more this year. I have decided to throw Matt Lure's swimbaits.
  11. I know that starting around the 2000 Optimax they were having some problems. What about the year 2000 Mercury EFI engines? Also what is the difference between the two in such things as far as power, mpg, etc? Thanks
  12. Well as of now I will be getting married June of 09. I'm not looking to have the usual bachelor party with the usual entertainment. I'm looking more towards a hunt/fish trip of some kind or just hanging out with the guys doing something fun. Anyone have an ideas they care to throw out there on possible choices to do?
  13. I'm starting to look for a new bass club to fish in. What are some questions that some of you ask potential clubs when your looking to join? Thanks
  14. Probably a jerkbait or jig n pig.
  15. Its not the best show but its not all that terrible either. I will continue to watch it when its on. Not so much as to learn something but its a fishing show. I believe they are fishing in Oneida Lake?
  16. Email sent. We'll see if I made the cut or not.
  17. What are the pro/cons of each? Is there a big advantage of having a dual axle boat trailer over a single axle boat trailer? Thanks
  18. Has anyone here bought a boat or known someone whom has bought a boat off of ebay? If so was it a good or bad experience? I'm just trying to check out all my options. It seems like a decent place to check out. The only problem I could foresee is that I would have to try and "hire" someone to check out the boats for me since most are 400+ miles away.
  19. Has anyone tried/had much luck casting out a dropshot rig and slowly dragging it back?
  20. There nice. I would also take a look at the Costa Del Mar brand. There not as stylish but they are great fishing glasses. You might also have to save a bit more. The one thing I like about the Costa's over the Oakleys is the warranty.
  21. I second the 844 imx. I have one and the few times I used it loved it. The rod is currently for sale. If your interested see my posting in the flea market section. The only reason I'm selling it is because I want to start using all the same brand of rod.
  22. The local Cabela's has a couple Cumara rods in stock. One 6'8" drop shot rod and one 7'2" drop shot rod. I will say that there will be a 7'2" cumara dropshot spinning and 7'2" medium heavy jig rod in my future.
  23. Thats some good eating right there.
  24. A while back there was talk of a couple different movies about bass fishing being made. One of them was "The Bassmaster" and the other was suppose to be about Ike's life story. Has anyone heard anymore on these as far as if they are still going to be made and whats the time frame, etc?
  25. These are two boats that I'm looking at that are in my particular price range ($15k-$17k). I was just wondering what the main/big difference are between these boats and which one are generally seen as the better boat. They would be around the year 2000 give or take a year. I am probably going to take a ride in a R83 sometime soon just wanted your input. Thanks
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