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Everything posted by bassin_man

  1. Does anyone fish these? How many usually end up fishing? How soon do they fill up? I see registration is available still via FLW website. Reason I ask is I am looking at fishing the first 1-2 tournaments as a co-angler to see if I like fishing it and then go from there for the rest of the season.
  2. I never thought about the writing the depth the bait will run with a sharpie on the bill or the weight of a spinnerbait. Looks like I found my project for the night.
  3. Skeeter is shown as a sponsor on the BASS website here http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/tournaments/classic/news/story?page=b_classic_sponsors_info . The reason I ask is if you go here http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/tournaments/gallery?page=index_2008_classic# and go to the 2008 Classic Getting Ready gallery to picture number 7 it says this "Cory Schmidt places stickers and registration decals on a Triton boat that can be used if one of the competitors has a breakdown during the 2008 Bassmaster Classic." So it just got me wondering.
  4. Are there any Lucky Crafts for sale? Looking to especially pick up some more Lucky Craft RC if they are on sale at $9.99
  5. Hmmmm. RW brings up some good points especially about the reliability part of it. Other than local clubs to fish in many tournament trails or to get into some great fishing I have to drive a minimum of about 2-2 1/2 hours one way(thats what happens when your in Nebraska) because of the funky rules and regulations we have for bass in my area. Plus it isn't uncommon for me and some buddies to head to different lakes that can be upwards of 5-6 hours one way. It would be nice to get rid of this one before it really starts falling apart as its already on its way to doing so. I will be using the truck for hunting, fishing, trapping and then just the normal hauling things around. The only thing making the decision tougher is that I won't buy a boat less than 19' with a 200 on it and it must be composite construction no wood. Which means majority of boats are gonna have to be 1998 or newer. I guess I'm just to hard headed. I thought these decisions were suppose to get easier over time? ;D
  6. Wow seems like the general opinion is to keep the truck. Anyone care to argue against that opinion? ;D
  7. When does Skeeter officially take over as the boat sponsor of B.A.S.S.? Also while browsing some of the photo's over at bassmaster.com Derek "The Wolverine" Remitz cut his side burns(not that its that important but thought I would throw it in there).
  8. FYI 350 in a Chevy is a 5.7 Bullet proof You are correct. Not sure what I was thinking when I said it was a 5.0
  9. Chevy 1500 with a 5.0 350.
  10. If I get a boat my current truck would need money invested to be able to make long pulling trips. It for sure needs new u-joints, and new tires. Then ad on a tranny cooler, at least a rebuilt tranny (slow to shift into drive and respond sometimes afraid it wouldn't be able to handle pulling a boat for to long), the engine has started to run a little rougher also so a tune up would be helpful to. Its getting to be that age being a 91 that things are going to start going on it just because of its age. About the biggest upsides I can find about it is that its paid for and it only has 130,000 on the odometer. Now for the question. I am almost thinking that I would be better off taking the money and instead of putting it towards my truck putting it towards a newer truck. Opinions? P.S. The only thing I'm afraid about getting a newer truck right now is that it might get in the way of getting the boat I want. Therefore I figured either I get a newer truck and get an older boat or no boat at all or I could keep the truck and get a 00-03 boat. :-/
  11. Wayne the link is not working. THanks
  12. I work sales at the big C store. Might be switching full time to a different job because of better pay and better benefits. But hope to keep the sales job as part time because it truly is a fun job.
  13. The best bow is the one that fits you the best. So in other words go and shoot as many different bows as you can and get the one that to you feels the best in your hand before, during, and after that shot. While staying in your budget.
  14. Do you try staying off gravel when pulling the boat? I have a lake that is about 15 minutes away if I take gravel and probably 30-35 if I take pavement. I assume the best thing to do is to stay off gravel at all cost unless traveling at very slow speeds.
  15. Last I heard is that they did some filming at last years Classic after that I haven't heard nothing.
  16. After some more digging around it looks like they had planned to finish up the recording at the Toho marina by the end of February.
  17. Have played it but have yet to buy one. I'm not one to drive around specifically just to get a wii and I won't pay over the $250 retail for one. So either I get lucky or wait until they become more available whichever comes first. I heard some weren't to impressed with Rapala fishing on the wii. I know later this month they are going to be releasing the every popular on Dreamcast Sega Bass Fishing for the Wii.
  18. So that makes for three different bass fishing movies to come out. The Bassmasters which is suppose to be a comedy, Ike's life story, and now this one. We'll see how fast this one evolves. The other two I heard of them when they were first planning on coming out with it and never heard anything since.
  19. I have checked both my local ones. Neither one has anything on clearance yet.
  20. I have a friend that is wanting to put a deck on his 14' v-hull. It has a small outboard on the back and he is also wanting to put a foot controlled trolling motor on the front. Should there be any stability concerns doing so? It sounds like he is going to be putting the deck right ontop of the bench seats. Thanks
  21. Sorry to bring this back up as I'm just getting around to working on the floor. I have decided to just lay another sheet of plywood down on top of whats already there. With the amount it gets used and what its used for I think its probably the way to go. Do I go ahead and put plywood over the parts that aren't soft also at the same time? What would be the best plywood to use for this and what would be the best way to secure the plywood down? Anything else I need to know? Thanks
  22. I really wished I could have voted for two things. I would of voted for winter especially as right now I'm just getting tired of seeing snow. But I had to vote for "other" because I hate being on the bank boatless seeing everyone else cruise by. >
  23. A diesel would be my first choice but I just don't think its ever going to be in the budget unless I definitely put off getting my boat once again. I don't know if I can handle doing that again.
  24. I'm guessing these engines have plenty of power to get those 17-21 foot bass boats going down the road? I think my next truck is going to be a gmc or chevy with the 5.3 and a tow package.
  25. How are Chevy's newer (2000 on up) 5300 Vortec engines work for towing? They have me intrigued as they seem to get on the upper end of gas mileage with being rated as 19 hwy and something like 15 city. How much does that go down when towing? What is your setup as far as transmission and stuff goes?
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