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Everything posted by bassin_man

  1. I'm looking to buy and modify a 16' v hull to use for the next few years until I get into another fiberglass boat. Is a 16' going to be stable enough to add decks and be able to stand in it? I was just planning on making the decks so they sit right on the current bench seats. Other plans for the boat is take off the bench seat cover in the front and add some storage. Make the middle bench seat into a livewell and make the back bench seat into a storage area for batteries, charger, etc. let me know how this sounds as this would be my first modify on a boat. Thanks
  2. Get out more. The amount of times I got out fishing this year is small enough to make anyone cry. Ontop of that is join a club and place in the money in at least one tournament. My longshot resolution is to be Angler of the Year in said club.
  3. Congrats on the marriage. Mine's coming up soon here this Saturday on the 20th. Then heading to the smokey mountains in TN for the honeymoon. Where you staying at? Went to the Riu All Inclusive at Ocho Rios earlier this year and had a blast. Definitely will be going back sometime. If you plan on doing much shopping in the city or at any small huts not on a resort never pay full price. You can usually get that stuff much cheaper with a little bargaining. Take alot of small bills ( I recommend mostly $1 and $5) as most there whether they carry your bags, drive you to resort/town etc expect a tip.
  4. I just bought WAW for the PS3. Haven't really played it to much yet though.
  5. A citica/crucial crankbait combo.
  6. No ad here yet but I just checked and it looks like Roumbanis and Scroggins are coming to Iowa for the bps classic. Don't usually make it over there much because of the drive but might have to make the trip for that one.
  7. How much water clarity can a guy get away with using braid?
  8. I have one rod that I use for any of my t-rig, c-rig, jig, etc fishing. I use it anywhere from open water to thick vegetation/brush. I currently have power pro but have been contemplating putting 20lb big game to help me in clearer water. What do you suggest should I stick with the power pro or make the change?
  9. How are the crankin sticks? I just bought three used ones all 6'6", two mediums and one mh. Was looking at making one a jerkbait rod and one a shallow crank rod until I can afford to buy better rods. Thanks
  10. I'm thinking about going right in the middle this year with a new pair of Solar Bats that run around $60.
  11. Do smallmouth react the same to water temperature as largemouth?
  12. I have never really targeted smallmouth much as I usually never make it to an area good enough to do so. This year its my goal to become at least a decent smallmouth fisherman. Most of my smallmouth fishing will probably take place on the river with some on lakes. If anyone has any tips/hints on finding/catching them that would be great.
  13. Never been to the river around that area and was told to check it out. Has anybody here ever fished it? How is the fishing on the River around the Verdel area and where is the ramp located? Thanks
  14. The personally prefer lowrance. Although the SI that hummingbird offers would get a hard look. Wish lowrance would offer something similar. I believe its all personal preference for the most part along with what has already been mentioned.
  15. I thought awhile back (it might have been a long while) that I read a topic that had a good list everyone thought should be a must have on the boat. I can't seem to find that thread. If someone knows the link that would help greatly. Thanks
  16. Whats the average when you just use regular DVD+ or - R.
  17. Just out of curiosity what kind of quality can you get out of a burned dvd it can't be as good as the original?
  18. Since I have to get rid of my triton I'm looking to possibly pick up this boat. I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this boat? I see some places its labeled as a bass boat, others a muskie, walleye, etc boat. I personally see it more as an all around boat. THanks
  19. I would be up for it. I will though have to see how long I am going to be in "training" for my new job. After I get done with training I will be working Saturday evenings so then it probably wouldn't work out.
  20. Would anyone be interested in a possible Nebraska member outing? Maybe a grill out then some fishing (or vice versa) at a pre-determined location.
  21. Nebraska here. About 30 minutes North of Lincoln or so. Have only been out serious one time. Got out last Saturday when we had those strong winds. All five of my fish came off a custom black/blue jig with a 2" black Joe's Jig Trailer. Nothing of to much size yet with the biggest being around 2.5#.
  22. I was always told that the rebate was only good on reels bought for full retail. Is that true or not? If not I think I might get a curado or two.
  23. Well it happened yesterday one of my combo's went into the water. Does anyone have any tips/trips on helping to possibly retrieve it? I just hate to think of it just sitting there on the bottom of the lake.
  24. Went fishing Saturday. Here is how my day ended up. The Good- Got into some bass. Nothin to huge with the biggest at probably 3 pounds. But I was able to get out into the boat for a second time. The Bad- The winds were howling at 30 mph. It took everything we had to try and get out of the wind a little bit. The Ugly- Watching my citica/crucial combo slowly sink to the bottom after it accidentally got kicked in. Causing a last ditch effort of diving into 45 degree water to try and retrieve it. You all probably know how that one turned out. :'(
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