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  • Gender
  • Location
    northeast PA
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    all of them
  • Other Interests
    more fishing

yoyoman's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. you should see me! lol. I get what you are saying but l meant you wouldn't have to fool them anymore. When bass got hungry they would take almost any lure. Kind of like newly opened fisheries or ponds.
  2. Exactly roadwarrior. Anew type of lure never seen before is fooling them. An extremely accurate look of a small school of fish but even this has a certain look to it. All our artificial lures can only match the real thing so much. That is why I always been told to work a lure differently to try to change the action to entice that strike. I believe when they are on the feed though there much easier to fool. kind of like the humans that keep falling for the scams of free money over the phone. they just cant resist. If fish were not conditioned all lures would work all the time and fishing would be catching not fishing. In my opinion of course.
  3. I found this article from abc science. there are a few i also found on some aquarium sites. http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2010/01/14/2792407.htm
  4. lol now that would be interesting.
  5. i dont believe i said "smart". I meant that I ASSUMED that bass were smarter than goldfish but in no way did i mean to imply that a fish of any sort were smart. It was relative statement. all i meant was that fish ARE without a doubt able to learn and that this was and is proven. I wouldnt even consider a dog as smart. only humans but that could be debatable with some. lol
  6. there are alot of people that keep going to jail for stealing but keep doing it anyway. lmfao
  7. there are studies of goldfish being trained to do certain things like swimming threw holes to get food. i assume bass to be smarter. i think the constant daily barrage of the same lures for sure makes them smarten up. i also believe when they are in th feeding mode, they will almost take any bait because of the reaction bite. just look at new ponds being fished. at first u can catch the on a gum wrapper but they will wise up. so when fishing is slow try something no one else throws.
  8. i use 50 lb braid tied to a swivel with 10 lb flouro. 1/2 to 3/4 lead sinker with bead. 2/0 ewg gammy hook. I drag my creature bait and pause at the end of my drag. on hook set i always set by reeling down and hooking to the side. i dont miss or lose alot of fish this way.
  9. lol i have done that a time or twenty
  10. i have a spinning and a casting. love them both. very light and balanced with great sensativity.
  11. looks like a chain pickerel to me. we have both up here in pa. got a 29 incher yesterday.
  12. excellent post. i personally do not troll for bass but have for saltwater and lake trout. i find it very boring but it is highly effective if doing correctly. i can garentee trollers who know what there doing will certainly hold there own if ot out fish you. they simply cover way more water than you can cast too. if some likes to troll, cast lures, use live bait i think that is there choice and that is what they enjoy doing. that is fishing. also it can get pretty boring pounding shorline after shorline wih cranks and spinnerbaits. this is not tornement fishing. go out have fun and enjoy the day.
  13. its enforced by the fish comm. checking certifcates. you will be qualified on any motor over 25 horse. not the speed it can o its the safe rules of the water. also the adults were grand fathered in i think the year is any one after 81. ibelieve it was originally targeted at young kids on jet skis.
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