looks great this is my resume
Ryan Robin
DOB: 05/16/90
My name is Ryan Robin and I am 15 years old. I have been fishing since I could walk. I live in Louisiana and fish as much as possible. My largest bass was a 4lb. 8oz. Largemouth caught on a Norman Fatboy Crankbait. A week later all my fishing buddies at school had purchased one and have caught numerous fish on them. This goes to show that I am very influential.
My objective is to represent various companies in the fishing and boating industry by endorsement deals. I will provide publicity by many different means including tournaments, boat shows, boat decals, hats and sponsor shirts.
The tournaments I fish are held in various areas around the southern Louisiana are. In our club there are few anglers sponsored and they have always talked about how our area has increased the company's sales and gave them a great reputation. We have an average of 50 boats at each tournament. These are all team tournaments. Therefore, 98 people will view your company name. The winner's picture is put in the local newspaper where many more people will see your ads. This is a great benefit for you because of the publicity. If 500 people read the newspaper and I am in it, 500 people will see your company name and possibly purchase your products, services, etc.
There are many boatshows in our area. Hundreds of people visit each event. I selected to represent you, I will endorse the company by giving demonstrations on various rigs as well as helpful tips and techniques involving your products.
I am also an active member of many bassfishing websites including:bassmaster.com, FlWoutdoors.com, bassresource.com, Southern Anglers Group on Yahoo, BassinUsa.com, and many more. In a years time I have posted over 700 messages on various sites. When I obtain sponsorship, I will place a link to all of my sponsors websites on every message I send. If 50 people view each message, and I post 700 messages in the next year, 3,500 people will view these links. If 50% buy a product, then you are gaining 1,750 customers. I will also leave numerous product reviews if I have confidence that this product is among the best.
I will not ask for or accept endorsement from company in which I have never used or have been unsatisfied with their products. The only exception to this is if these items are not accessable around my area, or if it is a new product that I believe will have an impact on the fishing world.
1 2nd place finish
2 3rd place finishes
4 top ten finishes
Thank you for your time,
Ryan Robin