First off, I will say that just because an action is rated X by a rod company, does not mean that it is actually X when compared to other companies. My Powell Endurance 695cb was rated extra fast, and I assure you, it is not an extra fast.
Next, I haven't fished the Ballistic, only held it. At face value it seems like it would be suitable for cranking. The only thing I would say is that I would not want a 7'7 or 7'11 rod for shallow squarebills. To me, those lengths are more for deep divers since you need more casting distance in order to get the cranks down to proper depth. For a shallow to med. depth rod, I'd be looking for something around 7. That's my personal preference though.
I can't say for any of the other rods, but the Fenwick, Diesel and BPS rods all get good reviews for their respective price ranges. Hopefully someone else will chime in on differences between the rods you mentioned.