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Everything posted by tubeman

  1. Braid>Power Pro in 10lb. Fluoro> Seaguar AbrazX
  2. A 9mm is a man/woman stopper. With todays ammunition, the 9mm is a premier choice. I shoot 147grain Winchester Ranger T and the penetration and expansion are awesome. I also have two .45acp, one Ruger and the other Kimber, that caliber has a stellar reputation. I also have a .44 special, .380 Bersa, .357sig, and a few others. The 9mm, .40 and .45 all have ball ammo that, well used to be, inexpensive to target shoot with. Concealment, normally there are more 9mm concealment pistol models available. Too much gun? Never an issue when you or yours life depends on it.
  3. Went fishing in the great Jackson River (LOL) for about 3 hours today. Water was warm enough to wade fish. Caught 6 smallies, two which were a nice size, one male, one big female full of eggs. Plus, redeye and such. Was using Yum Crawbug in green pumpkin and Yum crawbug in green pumpkin/Texas Red. Lots of fun. Now, to just thaw out! LOL!
  4. I use the Seaguar AbrazX in 4lb, test on my trout rods and find that while expensive, very tough. Landed a big carp on that setup also. LOL!
  5. It is the Jackson that Brick is referring to. There are some monster smallmouth below the papermill. Tubes, rapalas, and 1/4 ounce Joes Flies work well. A kayak,canoe, or john boat works great.
  6. I guess my screen name says what I like the best. I agree with plumworm. This time of year in my area, white and olive/smoked red sparkle seem to shine. On weight, I use the lightest that I can get away with.
  7. I second and third the ML fast for tubes in that weight class. I use a custom ML for most of my tube fishing in the 1/8 ounce and under. I have noticed that using a lighter lure than the rod recommends, I end up fighting bird's nest. just my two cents worth.
  8. i wish the bass would start biting more also. i normally catch and release but stocked trout are not very hardy.
  9. Seagaur Abrasix. I have put this on my trout rod and now on one of my bass rods to try. So far, so good.
  10. Productive day at the Clifton Forge VA reservoir. I felt like I cheated. I tried spinners, rapalas, and they wouldn't bite. Then, I fished a way that I haven't for years, hook and sinker. I put on some fluorescent yellow power bait and that was the ticket.
  11. I use straight moss green Power Pro in the lower Jackson River because the water is stained. If I am going somewhere the water is clear, I use 10lb Seaguar AbrazX fluoro attached to tubes. I went to the Cowpasture River last year, which is up the road about 30 miles with very clear water, and didn't use a leader. Caught alot of fish, lucky day.
  12. Welcome! I am right down the interstate!
  13. I like rivers and creeks. The variety and there is nothing like stepping in a hole that looks shallow but isn't. LOL! I am lucky to have a couple selections of rivers and to have Lake Moomaw a few miles up the road.
  14. The Shimano Sedona is an excellent reel. I have two of the 1000 series that I use on my ultralight setups. I got them from Amazon for 53.00 a piece.
  15. Awesome setup!
  16. Might work in dark water. It seems to be one of those famous infomercial items. I wouldnt waste money on it.
  17. I have one of these and they are great bags! Mine came with boxes. I use this one and other ones mostly for storage. I use the BPS Extreme Qualifier 360 when I am fishing wading in the river, on bank, or Kayak. If I go out of town to fish, I will take the stalker packed full and pick out of that to fill my qualifier for fishing the area. hope this helps.
  18. Its hard to beat these reliable marvels.
  19. Gitzit Spider Jig brown crawl with chartreuse tail, 1/8 ounce jig head.
  20. Man, I wish they had that here for the young people. We had a hunting club in high school, but you couldn't do that now or you would be labled a threat.
  21. Check-out http://www.bobsmadeinamericafishingrods.com
  22. I believe it's like deer hunting scent, 50/50. Although, I have noticed that the salt infused soft baits seem to have more strikes for me. Hell, I dipped a spider jig in chicken livers for the fun of it. It worked, but messy. LOL!
  23. If a largemouth fought like a smallmouth, you would never get them out of the water! LOL!
  24. There is a difference. The tournament series are slightly narrower and are injected with salts. I have both and prefer the Tournament Series in late summer. The fat gitzits are good, all around tubes and I fish them heavily in the spring using white and chartreuse, About the later part of May, I use the brown craw and motor oil/multi-sparkle. Gitzit also makes an excellent spider jig and I find the brown crawl/chartreuse tail deadly anytime. They come with a 1/4 ounce head, but I usually change them to 1/16 -1/8 ounce, whichever is the lightest that I can get buy with. Go to http://www.gitzit.com and check them out. I also use some Canyon Plastics Tubes and will be trying some from http://www.drycreekoutfitters.com/default.asp.
  25. BPS Extreme Reel. Never could find a line that didn't bird nest on it. It is now with Davey Jones locker.
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