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  1. i have been fishing the same spot on the same river every saturday for a few months now. i get smallmouth in the 1.5 to 2 lb range every time , been using jitterbug topwater for the first hour then usually a crawler harnes with a night crawler on it and have had real good luck. last night we had a real good rain for the first time in at least a month and the water is allot higher than last week . should i be tryin anything new? i am really new and would love any advice at all. it is also fall in quebec and the temp has been dropping allot at night.
  2. i have been using 30# powerpro slick on my spinning/everything rod for awile and it has been good. my ? is,, how much casting distance would i gain if i was to go with 10 or 15# instead. i when with the 30 after getting real mad at some nanofil that was snaping on me but wher i fish 90% of the time is on a small lake or a river were the fish rarely exede 3 or 3 lb .so i am thinking that the 30# might be overkill.
  3. i have been having real good luck on the river saturdaty mornings with a jitterbug. is there a time now that it is getting cooler in quebec ``:frost in the morning`` that topwater will stop working.
  4. who smokes cigars ? what kind of cigars are in your tackle box or boat.
  5. i fish every weekend morning on a river a few miles from my house . it is just big enuff that i can cast almost across it with a topwater. that being said i have had great luck with a jitterbug. there is to much stuff on the botom to use anything that sinks because if it its bottom i lose it 9 times outa 10. i have had real good luck tha last few weeks with a berkley black and white walley crawler harness that i modified so the 2 hooks are closer together.
  6. so glas to hear that the fishing is good in the snow and cold because i aint ready to give it up for the year like most people.
  7. here in quebec canada the days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder expecially in the morning and lots of boats and rodw get put away early. i have the right to fish smallies till november 30th and i plan on doing just that even if i am stanting on snow on the side of the riverbank., what do i need to know as far as baits techniques and so on ?
  8. i picked up a cheap south bend microlite at wallmart the other day to hold me over for the rest of the year. i must of got 20 fish on that thing today. i was throwing a double hook crawler harness and got a fish on almost every cast. i think i will change the reel for a pflueger but i actually really like the rod, it makes all those perch and rock bass way more fun to catch when i am out with the kids.
  9. yesterday i took the kids to a river neer by because i heard that there was small bass and so on the first cast i made was with a walley crawler harness and got a small but willing to fight walley so i got up thismorning at 5a.m and only had 2 hours so i headed to that spot and figured i would tie on the jitterbug that i have and never used casted it out wich ended up almost on the otherside of the river started to reel it in and wammo... a 2 poundish smallmouth nailed it and gave me a great fight.i was so exited i was shaking for a half hour later. i spent the rest of the time i had throwing difernt stuff in with no luck but already cant wait to go back next weekend. it is labour day here next weekend so that meen 3 mornings in a row. i was so exited. just had to tell someone,thanks.
  10. i have a 6.6 shimano clarus mediam and a pflueger president reel that was under 150 in total and so far it has been used for everything includeing a 27inch rainbow last week and 2 salmon, sun fish bass and everything in between.my only other rod is a 20$ microlite from wallmart that i got to use for fishing panfish with the kids.
  11. i am normally a braid guy but it is not available in my area under 10# at least and i whant 4#, would i be better to go with mono or flouro? it will be used for mostly pan fish.
  12. i would usually go for the good stuff too but in quebec we are allot closer to the end of the season than to beggining so i think i will get the cheap south bend to see if i even like ultra lite fishing with a 4# mono because all i can find here is 10# braid or bigger. and wait till the montreal fishing and hunting show to get the good stuff.
  13. anyone have any experiance with them? i was looking at the microlite combo at wallmart for 20$ but was wondering if i should be patiant and get a better one on line. i just hate waiting for stuff becouse i live in canada and get it deliverd to the u.s.a to save cost but have to go get it.
  14. going to get into panfishing a bit more, i fish allot with my 5 and 8 year ols children and they like to get the sunfish and perch and the small lake we fish is poluted with them and rockbass as well. i figured i might as well have fun with it so i am going to get a 5ft ultra light and put some 4# line , it is hars to fish for anything else with the kids because they run out of patience fast so i will save the bass fishing for the early mornings when i get out alone.
  15. i have a 6.5 and a 5.5 that are always in the canoe with me. i love the 5.5 i plant the kids ontop of a brush pile and pull rock bass out of the water with them for hours with that rod.
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