I have shared them on Musky sites, and walleye as well. I was actually on the board of a local musky club in a conservation role for several years.
The walleye musky interactions video is the only one I really get any backlash over. Because it challenges long held notions.
I always remind myself that I'm very privileged to see a world that few others get to see, and when I show something like this, I may be challenging someone's beliefs.
People tend to believe what they want to, in spite of any evidence to the contrary. A scientific study can show something, and further study can re-affirm it. However, if it doesn't fit into their personal agenda, religious, or political tenets, people will deny it or discredit it.
I myself thought it was an oddity. A freak of nature. I heard that muskies ate everything. I wore a tee shirt years ago "Muskies- Everything else is just bait". They sell muskie lures in a dozens of paint schemes, including walleye. I have loved fishing since I was 4 years old. I grew up in the sport. It was so ingrained in my brain that I couldn't believe it myself. It defied what I was brought up to believe. I had to see it with my own eyes a half dozen times before it started to sink in. IT CHALLENGED MY OWN PERSONAL BELIEFS. It's a funny thing, Belief.
So, It's on my channel. People can watch it. I think it's got 20 K views. But this is a world where people routinely bomb each other over their beliefs. I think they are less receptive than ever to challenges to it.
It was well worth doing. I learned as much about myself and people as I did about walleye and musky.