I've had two things happen to me in the past 3 weeks that would probably qualify. First, I was driving with my pole diagnal in my car (small car) from rear driver seat to front passenger seat. It was a 7' pole so the tip was bent up against the window a little. It was hot, so I rolled down the window as I drove to the river. I get to the river, roll up my window, and hear a CRUNCHHH noise. I look over to see that the tip of my pole that was bent against the window must have stuck out of the window when I opened it. When I rolled it up I broke the rod off at the tip. The worst part is that it was a 2 piece rod and I was just being lazy and didn't feel like taking it apart to transport it lol.
Second one just happened today, and it's probably not all that uncommon. Let me preface it by saying I've had my baitcaster for about a year now and have always used mono on it. I rarely backlash anymore, and yesterday a big bass ran me through some pads and broke me off on 14 lb mono. So I decided to put on some braid last night before going out today. I'm sure you can see where this is going.
So today I go back to the same pond and fish for a few hours without any luck. I was on my way back to the car to leave when I saw a fish jump up right near the bank I was just fishing from, allllllllll the way across the pond. Being the stubborn man that I am, I decide to cast one more time just to see. Rather than walk all the way around the bank to be within reasonable casting distance of the fish, I decide to huff and puff and give a superman cast from where I'm at. I loosen up my tension a tad, give a bit more line out, and cast with all my might. Which would have been great, if I didn't catch a tree limb on my backswing. I've never seen a backlash like this in all my life lol. I had to cut the braid off the spool, but luckily I didn't have too much on there and I used mono backing. Still not my proudest moment.