I fish this division and the website is accurate. We have one more qualifier for this season next Saturday anyone can enter and then our 2 day the following weekend. All you have to do is be an ABA member and you can fish any divisional qualifying event. I'm not sure if you have to fish a certain amount of qualifying events to fish the divisional championship or not. We are a draw format where non boaters and boaters do all compete against each other. The boater has 100% say in where we fish, boaters fish from the front and non boaters fish from the back. It's the standard for the non boater to give the boater $20 for gas/launch fee help. We draw from a hat each morning for pairings. It's $75+ $5 big fish to enter or if you pre-register online it's $70 + $5 plus the additional $20 to pay your boater. Just call our director Don Philpot for any additional questions/details or ask me. The "2016 Early Bird" events are actually the beginning of the 2016 season that take place this fishing season, that's just how it's scheduled every year in every division. http://www.njabadivision10.com/2015-tournament-schedule http://www.americanbassanglers.com/districts2015.php?Division=10