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Everything posted by Upnorth

  1. Here's my take: Getting rid of the co-angler is not only a great idea, it was mandatory. It is the only way to completely level the playing field. I have fished as a pro in both the Strens and BFLs. I have had co's that spent most of their time picking backlashes and I have had some that should have been 100% fishing from the front deck. Both type of coangler had an impact on the fish I caught and how I caught them, sometimes an advantage, but usually a negative. I can only hope that FLW would follow suite (Ha!!). It is sad that people can no longer fish along side the Elite pros, but this is a big time expensive professional sport. If you have the guts to put up a $5,000 entry fee, then you deserve the most level playing field possible. As for Ray Scott, Ray sold BASS to turn a profit, ESPN later bought BASS to turn a profit. Seems fair. I always thought his vision of BASS was to someday see bass fishing as a legitimate professional sport. Big money, big sponsors, 12 hours of Classic coverage, and guys earning a comfortable living. Well, more are doing that now than ever. I know, some live out of their truck and scrape by, but that is their choice, their dream, and they know the potential to earn a decent living now exists. If you want grass roots, join your local BASS Federation club. If you want to fish from the back of a pro's boat, fish the FLW Tour. If you want to fish the Elites, fish the Opens and see how you stack up. Believe me, I have had my problems with BASS in the past (like losing my Open deposits a few years ago), but this move is the right one.
  2. I thread all my trailers on now. It makes for a more compact bait and the trailer can't swing around and block the hook point. I have been using Strike Kings 3x chunk almost exclusively for a few years now and love it. Secure it to the hook with a drop of superglue and that trailer will last for the life of the jig!
  3. SouthWest Michigan (Muskegon/WhiteLake) has been pretty steady. Water was in the low 70's, but now in the upper 60's. The Alewifes are in and on the flats, so the fluke/spinnerbait/crankbait/topwater bite is on, especially in the evenings. The smallmouth bite has been about dead for me, all green fish. I have been trying the deep bite, but its very slow with just a few small fish. If the water ever gets into the upper 70's, that should pick up. I appreciate the reports. Good luck!!
  4. KVD was on White Lake in Whitehall, Michigan last Weds. with a film crew. I assume it was for the show The Bass Pros. I missed it, but my buddies got some nice pics. Word must have got out that White Lake is on fire, 16-17 pounds to win a tournament.
  5. In southwest michigan (Muskegon/WhiteLake) nothing on the beds yet, but the 'Trap bite is on fire. Smaller fish can be caught in the protected areas, but the bigger bites are still out in the grass.
  6. FLW has and does weigh 5 bass limits in clear tanks of water at select events. Not only is it better for the fish, the fans seem to like it too.
  7. Thanks Bronzefly, I appreciate the help. My inlaws live in Spring City so that puts me about on the lower 1/3 of the lake. I'll definately take a ride up lake.
  8. I've had the pleasure to meet Charlie at a few Detroit River tournaments up here in the past. You will not find a more friendly, kind hearted, smallmouth crushing guy. Stealling tackle, that is lower than low. One thing for sure, it will take more than that to keep a smile off Charlie's face.
  9. My inlaws have recently moved from Lake Guntersville :'(. to Watts Bar (they live on a houseboat). I'll be heading down the second week of April and have been gathering maps and info on the lake. Some maps say that there is a healthy brownbass population. Anybody have expirence on the lake? RW, do you ever head East to Watts Bar? Thanks in advance. P.S. Yeah, I am the only guy that likes visiting his inlaws!
  10. If I'm using mono, its PLine CXX. I use 15# on a baitcaster for topwaters and 6,8,10# on spinning tackle for salmon/steelhead. It is not the softest line, but if spooled properly you should have zero problems with it on spinning tackle. Try a couple shots of silicone spray to the spool before you hit the water. If you go above 10# line on a freshwater spinning reel, you are asking for trouble regardless of brand (except braid )
  11. Thanks RW, that is what I was afraid of. When it comes to fishing tackle, you definately get what you pay for.
  12. I've been a die hard Seaguar fan for years, but recently have the opportunity to get Triple Fish line at a discount. I've read the Tackle Tour reports, but I am looking for opinions of people that have used it on the water. Thanks.
  13. Zoom makes about 100 different worm styles, from finesse to creature baits. I'm know they make baits that can handle just about any size hook. Do yourself a favor and try a different style from Zoom, you will not have an issue with quality.
  14. All great advice. Also keep another rod or two rigged up with a texas rigged Sweet Beaver, Senko, etc. When the fish miss in heavy slop, alot of times they will blow a hole in the cover. Quickly cast back into the hole with your follow up bait and about 75% of the time they will be there. But with frogs its still: 65# braid+Flipping Stick+waiting on hookset= low strike to catch ratio
  15. The chatterbait is a great grass fishing tool, especially during the prespawn. Anytime bass are hitting traps ripped through the grass, the chatterbait is another top choice. I was down on Guntersville when the BASS Elite was going on. Even though that was more postspawn, you better believe that chatter type baits ripped through grass played a big role. As with any bait: Right place, Right time.
  16. Make an overhand knot with a 2"-3" loop below your hook where you want your weight to be. Use the loop to attach your dropshot weight and when you are done, put the butt of your rod through the loop and reel it up. Holds the weight better and still will break before your hook knot when snagged.
  17. Best shop on the net. I've been ordering from them for a few years now. Great prices, lets you know whats in stock, and free shipping over $75 bucks.
  18. Its hard to tell, but that smallie looks alot like a spot. Monster fish none the less.
  19. My favorites are a Trap, a crankbait, or a spinnerbait.
  20. I have been retrieving it like a spinnerbait, constantly speeding up/slowing down the reel handle. It has really started producing for me now that the grass is starting to get up around here.
  21. Never, always C&R.
  22. It been on both Fox Sports and OLN lately.
  23. One tip for using marker buoys, change the stock weight that always breaks anyway with a 3-4oz pyramid sinker. They hold in place in current and wind much better. I run a rubber band through the eye of the weight to make storing the line much easier.
  24. I pattern my system after KVD's. VanDam said awhile ago he uses the rule of 10. If you have not gotten bit in 10 minutes, change something, whether it is color, bait, retrieve, location, etc. But, like all rules, they are made to be broken. If I think I have the right pattern established, I tend to stick with it.
  25. I bought my Paashe VL from www.dixieart.com for around $65. Dixie Art has free shipping with orders over 50 bucks, can't beat that. I also use the compressor in my shop, but Dixie has them for around $100-150.
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