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Everything posted by boatnik13

  1. I remember fishing out of Riverhead L.I. as a kid in the 1960's at Wildwood lake, All summer long and there was a cranberry marsh nearby you can see on your google map that was host to big bass and pickerel. No one fished the marsh but us and Wildwood lake had big fish but getting onto the lake for non residence of the area was tough going. We moved to Pa. in 68 and that was it. Good luck on L.I.
  2. I have and make lake structure maps of this lake. Boating by number is limited and that helps make this lake a active lake. and the comment about 26ft depth , Most of the lake and its structure is above the 26ft line except for the basin , Thats a good productive reading for a small lake.
  3. You just need to know Pinchot better as well as other manmade small sleeper lakes in the area. As a lake map maker, there are good spots in Pinchot but you need to find them as D.O. levels decrease, fishing pressure increases. My maps show theses area's.
  4. any manmade structure on this lake? yet?
  5. Anyone have the latest on Meadow Grounds Lake in Fulton county Pa.? such as how far have they drawn it down and is it still down????
  6. Welcome! and I'm right accross the river from you in Harrisburg area. If your seeking info on lakes near you> send away mssg. I make lake structure maps of lakes in this area,Pinchot is just one of many.
  7. Well BingbongJack! No ones ever produced a map for me as proof of structure in this small lake so I never paid a visit to make this lake map. I do have 12 other lake maps in my collection that are closer to harrisburg area and Iam the only one making them as of now. Mark!
  8. OK! now Mystic > shoot me a away message or E-mail boatnik13@aol.com use the map code on the map so I know what phase it is and that you have a map. Works for anyone who has a hlsmap. I'd be glad to assist in any fishing question on your map.
  9. MsticBassFisher! who's map do you have? If its one of mine I can give you lots of info about location as free advise I offer to all who have my maps.
  10. Hey! Xrstybrgr I'm intrested in your map or checking it out. I sent you a away mssg. If its any help in map making then maybe we can work something out if i have a intresrt. Mark ! of hlsmaps co.
  11. Technically its a " DEPTHFINDER " not a "FISHFINDER " That word is more just a sales pitch. I'll tech mssg. you about that in a moment.
  12. My structure maps will show you great detail of the upper flats of Rt.177 area or upper 3rd that holds the better water.
  13. 10 days till the wellsville, Pa. fishing show. Thats about 1 mile from lake Pinchot. March 12th - 13th
  14. easyer just too go on www.hlsmaps.com anyway I have Williams, Redman, Pinchot, Memorial, Holman, Walker Tuscarora, Sweet Arrow & Hunter I will add two more in 2011 sometime.
  15. sending you a list on your away mssg SPEEDBEAD
  16. I'll be a vender and will have 9 diffrent lake maps in stock. Discounted price. The show is March 12th-13th at wellsville fire hall. I don't have a link for that show .
  17. Glad I didn't go! $13 + $8 + drink or food . Wellsville ( Pinchot lake area ) has there show in March ( $5 )
  18. SPEEDBEAD ! any local fishing vendors at this show ? or same o, same o
  19. On small lakes find a landmark and use a range finder > they go out few hundred yards and then you can locate your target within a yard with a depthfinder, rangefinder and compass. No GPS needed. All for under $400 for all 3.
  20. Naw! I'm just in Pennsylvania ( central Pa. and headed East ) I'm just a small lake map maker and the maps at the show are online www.hlsmaps.com some maps are the only map available for that lake or ever made of the lake.
  21. Years ago and I mean yeeeears ago , you could find many local tackle / hunting mom & pop shops at the show. Today its just a handfull. A single space is like $900 and up. All you see today are out of State and our big State preserves. If your looking for the small local then for a couple of dollars and free parking > go to the small local shows. Feb.5th I'll be at the Leesport show ( near Hamburg Pa ) with my lake maps. I think this weekend Dillsburg has a show, Also check out > www.fishermanfleamarkets.com
  22. I was out on sweet arrow lake a few days ago in heavy fog thinking about all the Ray stories. Spooky in that kind of setting as your mind drifts. We located our structure points by you could only see 10' in front of the boat in a shallow lake.
  23. Now that all the results are in I see this( I'm still laughing!) Goto www.raystownray.com/ Did anyone see RAY?
  24. 3' drop is nothing. Thats common in South central Pa. lakes as work must get done to improve outdated ramps or dams. What you don't want is a 50% or more drop for dam repairs and in some cases they have drained all the water out such as Leaser lake in Lehigh county and Opossum lake in Cumberland county. Two nice lakes sitting 'EMPTY" because they failed to repair it correctly the first time.
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