I don't agree with you on this one WRB. Throwing a 4'' or 5'' wacky rigged senko on the NRX 893c is stupid easy. Cast it however you want, overhead, lob, hell lean bank and throw it as hard as you want. The 893c loads a wacky rigged senko better than any rod period. It is like the tip on the 893c was made for it. If you need practice casting a senko on this rod than you need to practice your casting.
I have found the length and tip allows you to cast the senko at a great distance without causing any damage to the bait I've used almost every senko knockoff including the yamamoto's without any issue. The first time I casted a senko on the 893c it was a dream. Too soft of a rod would overload with a senko, too stiff of a rod would not load the senko completely. This rod loads a senko then launches it You can feel it zing off the tip like a spring, so crisp, so perfect. No other rod has given me that feeling. I look forward to getting an 894c in the future to see how it compares. Good luck OP