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Everything posted by rockchalk06

  1. I'm a braid only person. I actually started using braid because of top water. i use a soft action rod for my top water stuff and the braid helps me. You have to wait a split sec longer before you set the hook, but with a soft tip it works great. Some have said that straight braid tends to get tangled up in treble hooks, but I have not had this problem yet, if you do a simple mono leader will fix it.
  2. That is purdy! Thanks. The 4 I found on ebay were made of gold by what they were charging lol
  3. The model right before the E series were released? Pictures would be cool. Doing some wishing shopping and I'm clueless as to the history of the Chronarchs Thanks!
  4. Go for it. Even before I read about it here, I watched the you tube video of VanDam applying it and he just went to town spraying it even getting over spray on the reel, handle etc. I'd say its ok if he's doing it. I apply it the same way and have t seen any problems yet. The stuffs pretty harmless. I won't go into details, but I have inadvertently sprayed it in my eyes and it didn't burn lol
  5. I've never experienced this and my eyes are super sensitive to the light. Are you getting water splashed in them as mist and making them irritated? If you wear them doing yard work, do you experience the same thing?
  6. You have your opinion and I have mine
  7. Every reel on the reel bar at BP, looks like poo. They have parts missing, the spool control knobs are either too loose or tight and they have been abuse and played with daily. There is a good chance it could be that. Ask to see a new one.
  8. I cast it and let it sit for a 5 count. 3 pops quick and then a 5 count pause. My old man taught it to me and its worked for years. I'm sure other methods will work, but if I get out of sync, I can visualize my dads hand making contact with the back of my head lol
  9. Possibly. All 4 of my Shimano's were packed with more oil and grease then a wheel bearing needs.
  10. One of the very reasons I pack heat when fishing ponds in BFE! Look at it this way. If the fish arnt biting, I still get to kill something lol
  11. Thanks for the info guys. I always wondered if you could turn the head. Ill definatly look info the fuse thing too.
  12. So far just a bit longer than the regular PP. It's still brown just faded some.
  13. Chris with North Star swears by them. Everytime we get to talking jigs and trailers, he brings them up. I can't comment on them as I have never held one, but baised on Chris's word, I will be buying some on my next TW order. Give Chris a call in the am. He can tell you a bunch about them.
  14. I have a total of 6 combos. All but one have braid with a leader when I need one. The only rod that has fluoro, is an on going review I'm doing on some fluoro. I really don't care for the combo with fluoro at all. As soon as the review is done, it's getting spooled with PP slick brown in 40 like the others. I went back and forth for years and finally have settled on straight braid.
  15. That's makes about as much sense as whiping your ass before you take a dump. If a reel feels horrible, makes god awful sounds and has minor issues with parts, one would venture to guess that it's NOT going to perform well when you catch said fish.
  16. I was dead set on a Kayak, but have decided to wait and get a small Pelican boat for now. My son has been spending alot of time with me this summer and I can't hit the water wit both of us. Anyway, I would like to put a foot controlled trolling motor on the bow of the boat to work the coves of a few local lakes. How would I go about putting this on the boat? Can you buy a transom mounted motor and some how turn the head around and use it on the bow? Sorry for the newbie questions.
  17. Na set the hook. You don't need a power swing for the fences lay the wood to them, but a good quick hook set is needed in my opinion.
  18. Keep your rod for now and upgrade it at a later date. In the fle market section there are a bunch of Curado and a Chronarch for a fantasic price http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/119365-the-big-gear-sell-off-shimano-chronarchs-curados-crucials/
  19. i tie direct to jigs. I run heavy braid with no leader when I'm in the slop. I don't want a snap swivel breaking so I can get my jig back.
  20. I still wish my Revo S's were as great as they were, when I first bought them. I had nothing but high praises at first. They look and felt great at the time.
  21. I had a 200 first and was talked into getting a 50E. It was too fast for cranking, but it ended up being put on my top water rig. This at 7.1 ounces pared with my 6'8" Clarus at around 5-6 ounces makes for one sweet ole set up. Looks cool too! I'm shopping for a dedicated soft fluke rod and will no doubt be getting another 50E or a Curado 50E for it.
  22. Lighter materials too. Not sure as I'm on my phone, but the Premier is quite a but lighter than the STX. It's much smoother too
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