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Everything posted by rockchalk06

  1. That's hard to say. The *** users have praised that rod big time. I decided on the Champion for several reasons. One of which was they have been proven here, Tackle Tour and on the tournament trail.
  2. Lol NP. I was trying to figure out what you meant. It's actually funny now that I think about it lol
  3. Stupid question, but you are talking about the Ci4 correct? I haven't ever held a Core either.
  4. Can't argue with that!
  5. Thanks man. I'll be pairing it with a Dobyns 704CB so it should load the small jerkbaits.
  6. I like the way you think lol. I usually take a few pictures of him holding each fish. His mom and grandma go nuts over them. Thanks!
  7. Thanks. My son took the photo with me holding it. He's about 4 feet away. Same fish in all 3
  8. Thanks for the updates guys. Have you guys tossed a small say Lucky Craft live pointer on it? I am looking at it for light jerk baits. My 50E excels at it, but the 200E feels to much.
  9. Can you guys help me guesstimate the weight of this fish? I didn't have my tape measure or scale. I'm guess around 4ish. Thanks.
  10. rockchalk06


  11. rockchalk06


    From the album: Fish

  12. rockchalk06


    From the album: Fish

  13. rockchalk06


    From the album: Fish

  14. Sent you a PM to pick your brain sir
  15. I read that one too. I know previous graphite frame reels will flex in the reel seats. How does the Ci4 sit? Does it flex?
  16. We see the crazy hippie extremists on campus all the time. We do animal testing here for medical and science purposes. The amount of negative crazy words that are spewed amazes even me. I don't have an opinion on it either way, but these people are willing to go to jail while reaping the benefits of animal research. I agree they have their crazies and I assume in the beginning it was once a genuine good hearted organization, but fanaticals breed fanaticals. The writer should tread lightly on slinging the word terrorists around. Especially this time of year. But define terrorism and you would be surprised on what actually defines it and how several organizations thread that thin line.
  17. I've got an order thst should be here soon too. I kinda went outside the norm on this order. It's always a great feeling when jigs show up.
  18. It's been another couple of months since I've seen any reviews on them. Anyone have one and have some time with it yet? Thanks
  19. Thanks. I think for now I am going to stick with the #5's for the time being and work with some others.
  20. If it did, That'd be a heck of an advertisement
  21. Which model do you use to match the LC #5's?
  22. Thanks Dwight. I have that one on my watch list lol
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