Lake Guthrie in Guthrie OK, is not known for the LM population, but I have caught them there in the past. Nothing over 4 pounds though.
Just a run down on the lake. Its about 275 surface acres of water. The far north end of the lake, the dam, is all rock. I have run deep cranks all over and never been snagged so I'm assuming there isn't much cover.
The entire east side of the lake is all peoples back yards, so its a no go unless you have a boat. I'm stuck shore bound. The west side doesn't show much for cover, but the banks are all covered with grass etc Hince why the north end seems the best. Its fairly deep water.
How would I go about fishing this? The way the lake sits, it almost has to have zero wind or you spend the entire day throwing into the wind. I have caught a few in the past using a medium crank bait, but I would like to try something different, but without any cover I'm lost.
I know there are LM there as well as some SM. I have talked with the Lake Officer numerous times and he said that he himself has pulled 2-3 pound Smallies and even Walleye out of the lake. Hell I cant even get the hybrid bass to hit.