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Everything posted by rockchalk06

  1. I'd like to make a dive out to Stillwater and see what there LM population is like. Anyone ever do any fishing up there? Thanks
  2. Whats your favorite gear ratio for fishing jigs? Should I stay with a high for them?
  3. I bought the PQ here off the forums. I have yet to use it as its still in transit, but there were over 600 reviews on bass pro's website. 99% 5 stars. I have messed it with alot at Bass Pro and it feels super smooth.
  4. Never met him of course, but have heard about him in several books. When I was a kid, my dad used to say that thunder was football greats playing ball!
  5. My number is 1-316-XXX-XXXX. Nice Fish!
  6. Lake Guthrie in Guthrie OK, is not known for the LM population, but I have caught them there in the past. Nothing over 4 pounds though. Just a run down on the lake. Its about 275 surface acres of water. The far north end of the lake, the dam, is all rock. I have run deep cranks all over and never been snagged so I'm assuming there isn't much cover. The entire east side of the lake is all peoples back yards, so its a no go unless you have a boat. I'm stuck shore bound. The west side doesn't show much for cover, but the banks are all covered with grass etc Hince why the north end seems the best. Its fairly deep water. How would I go about fishing this? The way the lake sits, it almost has to have zero wind or you spend the entire day throwing into the wind. I have caught a few in the past using a medium crank bait, but I would like to try something different, but without any cover I'm lost. I know there are LM there as well as some SM. I have talked with the Lake Officer numerous times and he said that he himself has pulled 2-3 pound Smallies and even Walleye out of the lake. Hell I cant even get the hybrid bass to hit. Thanks
  7. Walmart Girl. Love it!!!
  8. Could have been a bass and you just pulled the bait out of his mouth. Around here, most LM are caught by old guys catfishing off the bottom by accident.
  9. Just seen this posted on facebook. He was one of the greats. He will be missed!
  10. I got up early this morning and hit Lake Hefner again. Windy as hell with no luck. One last stop before I went home, stopped at one of the fishing docks. Had a guy come out on the dock and struck up a conversation. Turns out it was OK BASS HUNTER. Fished and talked for about an hour and half. Really nice guy. He even hooked a 21" sogeye right off the dock. Small world. Might have a new fishing partner!
  11. Thats a question that could be debated for weeks. I use it on everything. Cant tell it if work or not, but does make me feel better that I can mask my scent though
  12. Lately that is all I have been catching. In Central Oklahoma, the LM population is way down to lakes setting limits of over 17" and only allowing to keep 4 to bring back the numbers. The white bass/wiper/hybrids as they call them here, are mega fun to catch. They fight like crazy. Guys have been catching them on just about everything in there box, but top water is the king.
  13. I have switched every knot I tie to this knot. Simple and easy. The Palomar knot is very strong and easy to tie with a bare hook, but a pain in the butt when using a large crank with 2-3 hooks. I don't lose near as much line with the Pitzen knot after tying either.
  14. Its really hot and dry most everywhere. Bass will leave their spots and deviate from the norm to get an easy meal.
  15. Around here early AM is the best. Even at sunset its still 90 plus degrees here. At sun up around 545, its still 75 degrees. I know your frustration. Seems when I cant find a bit to save my life, a popper always brings out a fish albeit a munchkin, its still a fish
  16. Lately I have been slamming the hybrid bass between 845-930. Not a single bite before or after. I think it just too hot. I'm going to try again tomorrow
  17. Music gets a B- but the scenery gets a FREGGING 10!!!!!
  18. When I was about 8 my dad took me to Wilson Lake in Kansas. We found a nice rock point where the water dropped off rapidly to 30 plus feet and really cold. He tied on a popper and said go! The small mouth hit those poppers like crack. At 8 it felt like sharks on the rod. First time I really remember dad and I connecting and finding a common ground. I knew everything at 8 so we had a lot of dissagreements ha ha. Small mouth was dads release from the life of a narcotics detective and he loved it. For me, its all about dad. Fighting, eating, catching and releasing just brings back that memory of my dad.
  19. Could be. I think I was over excited too. When the hybrids are feeding every single cast is a good size fish. I was getting excited and might have worked the popper to fast. Patients is a vertue! When the fish took off with that snake it looked like a scene from Jaws. It was wicked cool
  20. Back before the Zebra Mussle thing became an issue, we used to take all of our big bass and crappie out of the live well and drop them in the development pond if they were alive. 8-9 guys doing that and we had that bugger stocked big time. The neighborhood kids were pulling out 3-5 pound LM daily. It was catch and release only so they only got bigger. Nothing like a city kid on a 5 dollar pole and grub worms that's never fished before landing a big LM.
  21. I've always been partial to Boston. Especially after they drafted Pierce. I really truly thought OKC would end up playing Boston for the title.
  22. I've always been partial to Boston. Especially after they drafted Pierce. I really truly thought OKC would end up playing Boston for the title.
  23. I've always been partial to Boston. Especially after they drafted Pierce. I really truly thought OKC would end up playing Boston for the title.
  24. Sully should have gone last year. He would have been a top 5 pick. He lost millions on staying and now has back trouble.
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