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  1. I just fished beaver dam today got there not expecting such good cover so of course i wade fished lol didn't bring extra clothes though so i have to ride home in my boxers lol! didn't catch anything had some real good hits but i was using a new rod and wasn't quite use to it so once i get the hang of the rod and reel ill be set to go back. i think it will be a weekly stop for me!
  2. Hey i just moved to the are about a year ago and i have no idea where to fish and my gear is collecting dust!!!! I live in Chantilly near 28. I am in the Navy and i haven't had the time to scout any good areas out. I am looking for some fishing buddies that are willing to show me around. Let me know the good spots guys.
  3. Hey guys i am Justin, I am a 25 year old OIF Vet and i was stationed here a little over a year ago. i recently moved to chantilly, va when i married my wife. I do not know any good fishing spots in the area that are public. i am looking to get some info maybe some fishing buddies! Well wish me luck
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