Alright, luckily for you, I have flown with a handgun before.
After driving from Jackson, MS to Phoenix, AZ I had to fly home.
I flew via Southwest and called long ahead of time and spoke to a Rep about what I needed prior to the flight.
As of Sept '10 I had to have the weapon, unloaded, inside a locked hardcase. I used the original case for my XD .45. The magazines must be empty, and NOT inserted into the gun.
The ammunition must either be in a separate hardcase, or original packaging. Since I didn't at the time have an empty box for 50+ rounds of ammunition (Two 10's and three 13's) I bought a Plano ammo box from academy for a few dollars.
The other stipulation is that the weapon, ammunition, and magazines must be inside locked luggage, preferably hard luggage, but I flew with a zippered back without issue. As long as it can be locked, it is not an issue.
When I entered the airport, with my weapon already prepped for travel, locked and so on, I checked in with the ticket counter & informed the girl that I would be flying with a weapon today. She then got another individual, who asked me to show them and went through the security check to make sure it was up to the airline & tsa standards. They gave me two small tags to fill out, one that went on the weapon's case, and another that went in/on my luggage. Afterwards, my bag was put through an exterior metal detector to verify that I wasn't flying with anything other than what I'd already told them. From there, it was loaded onto the plane by one man (at least this guarantee your bag will NOT get lost). They informed me that I would have to retrieve my bag from the Jackson Intl. airport security desk, but it came through the conveyor like any other bag. I walked out, went to my car, loaded my weapon and drove off.
Since I was in phoenix and their gunlaws are FANTASTIC I was not concerned about walking into the airport with it in the bag that way.
I do not know your local laws, so I don't know how they will feel about that.
anyway, Louisiana is one of 25 states that reciprocates the MS Concealed carry permit. You can check to check your state permit's reciprocity.
LA functions under Napoleonic law. They DO let you carry a weapon in your vehicle, but I've never been stopped in LA and had to explain why I carry, why it's loaded, and so on.
Good luck, have fun, and STAY SAFE!