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Everything posted by eddiewest1964

  1. http://trinitybassanglers.webs.com/ 10/20/2012 Tuckertown & 10/21/12 High Rock Andy Nix took a good lead Saturday at Tuckertown weighing in 18.74lbs, he also had big fish for the day with a 6.85lbr. 2nd place for Saturday was Phillip Perkins with 10.46lbs and Jonathan Seamon and Dustin Shue with 9.90lbs for 3rd. Andy was able to hold on to the lead Sunday with 7.85lbs for a total of 26.59lbs for the tournament taking home 1st place. Jonathan and Dustin edged out Phillip for 2nd place Sunday with their catch of 10.23lbs for a total of 20.13lbs, also weighing in their 4.26lber for big fish of the day. Phillip brought in 8.86lbs for a total of 19.32lbs for a 3rd place finish. Jonathan and Dustins second place finish was also enough to knock Phillip out of the top spot for the year end points race with the difference in theirs and Phillips weight for the tournament being only 0.81lbs!! Congratulations go out to Jonatahan and Dustin for being the year end champions and Phillip for coming in a very close 2nd. Congratulations also go out to Charles Hughs for taking big fish for the year, no one was able to beat out his 9.5lber he caught in the first tournament of the year in March at Falls lake. It was a good first year for the Trinity Bass Anglers and we look forward to an even better year in 2013 as we hopefully add more members to the roster. We will schedule our year end meeting sometime in November for the payout to Johnathan, Dustin, Phillip and Charles. I will email everyone with the date, time and location, anyone who may be interested in joining for next year, keep checking the website as we will also post that information here to. Anyone interested in joining will be welcome to come to this meeting as we will be scheduling our tournament dates for 2013 then also.
  2. Be sure to make your rules VERY clear and make sure you go over them and everyone understands them, ask your members for their input also, you can check ours out, feel free to copy them and use any of them if you would like. http://trinitybassanglers.webs.com/
  3. Checked out the BFL results and after the first 10 or so spots, the weights dropped off. I overheard someone say something about a big fish kill there last year being the reason that it is so tough now, can't remember hearing anything about it????
  4. http://trinitybassanglers.webs.com/ THANK GOD High Rock is over!!!! One keeper for us around 6:00am and 1 short fish after that, NOTHING for the rest of the day, seems like everyone struggled except for Charles and Jody Hughes and Andy Nix. Charles and Jody brought in a five fish limit for a total of 12.7lbs for first place, Andy also had a five fish limit for a total of 10.8lbs for second place, rounding out the top 3 were Johnathan Seamon and Dustin Shue with 3 fish weighing 5.3lbs. Big fish also went to Charles and Jody Huges with a 2.15lbr, their 3rd big fish for the season so far. It was a tough day on the water and no one gave up any information on what they were doing to get their bites, glad this one is over! Congradulations to Charles and Jody for their win today. Next tournament will be on Tuckertown June 30th, we will be meeting at Ricks in Denton for breakfast, we'll post the time under the "tournament Schedule" tab sometime the week before the tournament.
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