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  1. My comment to her was, "Don't tell me how to spend my money unless you want me to tell you what to do with yours". Then when she tells me you don't need anything else or I can't have it then I buy what I want and extra just in case I lose the first one.
  2. Thanks for the info, I will give it a try again in the morning.
  3. I think I get this. So whatever is shown in the right first inch is currently whats under the trolling motor transducer. Everything after that is history. So if I see fish, brush pile, or a step edge on my screen then that is actually in the middle to the back of the boat. Does this matter if the front of the transducer is pointed in a different direction?
  4. My son and I are new to fishing. We bought a boat that has a Lowrance 510 on the front and a x25 in the dash. I noticed today when we were trolling around that fish kept showing up on the screens. So heres my question, When you see fish on the screen, how do you know where they are located based on the screen? It gives me a depth but I am unsure of the general direction or location. I noticed on that the arrow on the trolling motor appears to point in the opposite direction as the large part of the sensor. I'm sure this is a stupid question but all help would be great.
  5. Hello everyone, I am new to fishing and thinking about buying a boat since I don't really know anyone with a boat. I am wondering if anyone is aware of a place to store a boat at a reasonable price. I can't store it at my house because of the HOA BS. Thanks Mike
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