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Everything posted by JSPOONE

  1. i would call it murky and its clear in some spots... im going out tomorrow morning to try out some new spots around the stumps and throw my double fluke rig
  2. thats one hell of a fish right there congrats
  3. went out to mercer late afternoon and early this morning.. cauGHT 7 in the 2 days non over 1.5 pounds and one white perch
  4. i second the backpack... im using a shoulder stap spiderwire tacklebag now for the past year and its becoming nothing but a pain take it off and picking it upp. im going back to the back pack and keep it on while im fan casting the shores.. it makes everything so much easier
  5. yeh ive fished huntsman twice this year. and i was starting to figure the little lake.. might as well fish it till u cant anymore
  6. i like how it says fish rescue in the title.. when its a healthy little lake w/ some big fish
  7. o sweat mayb ill stop by there tomorrow or go to mercer tomorrow. decisions decisions...
  8. does any1 know if the project on lake accotink has been completed or is the lake still being drained?!
  9. well dang now i feel like a little b.. tripped over the rocks and popped my shoulder out for a common water snake ...
  10. i was out there yesterday too till a water moccasin chased me off.. i caught one around 2.. i hope this project doesnt take too long to complete
  11. yeh thats the first time i have heard this and i was there and it didnt appear to b being drained or moving fish from it...
  12. nice fish man... funny cuz thats where i caught my biggest this year at in the exact spot lol... slow is the key.. i fish my senko wacky rigged and just move my rod up in like a twitching motion and reel in the slack.... i went out to huntsman today caught one around 2 pounds and had a big catfish try to get my crank bait at the shore AS I WAS pulling it out of the water
  13. i lost something big there last year which makes me go back a couple times a year.... but u can acess the stumps BY parking in a neighborhood and take a good mile walk.. ive had some good numbers back there but not big to brag about
  14. burke lake is down i have never caught anything since i have been fishing... as for mercer ffx parkway and take a right onto hoose rd and parking is on ur right b prepared to walk as there isnt much bank fishing.. have u tried lake royal my biggest this year has come from fishing next to the d**n w/ a texas rigged craw papi black and blue color
  15. eddie u should inv me out to fountain one of these days so i can get out of this slump i having right now... ur killing me with the amount u are getting as of late
  16. i really dont have a clue.. i just think they are making it deeper next to the pool side and to the middle.. so im assuming that they are probably going to destroy the lilly pads on that side of the lake.. probably go back this weekend if not ill go to mercer
  17. went up to lake braddock this past saturday and they have finally started dredging the lake... fishing anyways and caught one on my first cast of the day and then no more
  18. so im assuming they are just ponds/lake that people live on and that's there fish of choice to stock?
  19. LOL yeh i just hope that they come up this far north
  20. found this little article pretty interesting about 2 scientist make 2 new species of bass tiger and the gorilla bass!!! http://www.strikeking.com/journal/00022/1.php
  21. went out and did some sight fishing today with a zoom salty white pearl tube and caught this 3.2 and this fish made it 9 straight days of catching bass .. biggest this yr so far

    nova bassin

  23. From the album: nova bassin

  24. i like rage tail a lot but i can never get them to last more than 2 fish so i easily go through half a pack to a pack depending on the bite during that day
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