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  • Birthday 01/31/1988

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  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    anywhere i can legally fish

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  • About Me
    fisherman during the day softball play at night

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  1. they havnt started to drain/dredge the lake yet.. i talked to a couple fairfax county park authority last week and they say that is scheduled to happen around sept.
  2. hit up a pond next to my work last night around 9 landed 5 the biggest going 3.05 and i broke my pole also hit up huntsman this morning caught 4 on a shakey head rigged w/ a plum rage tail thumper worm nothing over 1.5 pounds
  3. OH ok im looking to buy a jon boat so this couldnt come at a better time... get it all set up for the spring next year... thanks for the 411
  4. so what time does this thing start?
  5. what do u all mean by bb? assuming best buy
  6. yeh thats the true colors didnt mess with camera settings just snap n tossed back in the water
  7. well it had red eyes if that means anything
  8. was out fishing this weekend out of bull run marina in northern va with a buddy who fishes there quite often and has never seen this fish caught before... so what the heck is it.. it kinda looks like some kinda of hybrid crappie
  9. CANT forget the double hookup off the rock bluffs eddie-nova
  10. i plan on going to lake accotink tomorrow... where can i park to access the lake?
  11. mercer is the only one right now.. u can still fish huntsman n still catch some nice size fish.. i havnt been there in a month so i dont know what the current conditions of the lake is right now
  12. yeh i agree BUT fishing is going to suck for a little while till everything gets back to normal again
  13. lake royal needs a serious dredging u can see all the build up of the sediment there and keeps getting worse and worse and creek is starting to run dry.. i fish there atleast 3 times a week for the last two years and could notice the difference from last year to this year..
  14. yeh they are unfortunately dredging a couple lakes in this area.. now i just ponder what is it going to do the fishing and how long will it take to start bringing in decent bass again
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