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About Other.

  • Birthday 12/28/1992

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  1. So I want to pick up hunting. Looks like fun and I also really want the meat. No one in my family hunts and I tried searching and it just all looks like gibberish to me. I need to be spoon fed Now that being said I'm a college student living with my folks. My mom is the biggest anti-gun nut in the world all though I could probably manage to get buy with a high powered pellet gun which only leads me to hunting squirrel. So what kind of pellet gun would I need to kill a squirrel and what do I do about licensing? What else in Maryland can I kill & eat with a pellet gun? p.s. Deer hunting with a bow is an other option.
  2. I like to do short sprints on the hard trails in the woods. Except this time of the year. To many spider webs. I hate running into those things...
  3. It's squirrels over here. Those mofo's are always out on the road trying to get killed. I swear they play games of "chicken" on the road. I don't really feel bad for them anymore when I see them dead on the road. Pretty sure their last squirelly words were "**** yea ******* i'm out of here!"
  4. Man see where I'm from dip is RARE. Girls as old as 16 did not even know what it was. It was easy as hell to get them to put a lip in. Of course they would spit it out in a few seconds haha.
  5. I've dipped only a few times. It was with my buddies chilling outside a sandwich shop in the middle of winter during the nighttime. It was like once a week thing. We'd harass the pretty girls walking by, occasionally we'd get lucky and they'd flirt back. We'd try to get them to dip with us. I found the time I was dipping to be very enjoyable. I liked it a lot. It was always a good night with a lip. It just made me feel all chill and enjoyed the moment. I don't regret those long winter nights dipping. I think I've gone though maybe 3 cans my entire life and I don't think that would effect my health at all. Of course I did stop dipping. Everyone I dipped graduated (my friends were older) and they went off to college or in the military. So when they left I stopped. I would never dip again probably because I'm more aware of the health effects. I don't crave nicotine at all ever, I was never addicted. but I do feel a little nostalgic talking about this and kinda wish I could have more nights like that again.
  6. That's not what I wanted to hear lol I might just go with the Chevy... It's not what I want. I'd actually use the 4x4 so getting a 4x2 sounds like a bad idea. I just think it might be the Washington Metro area economy. People are asking for 7k for like 199X vehicles with over 200k miles. I'm not going to find a truck that I like for the money i have to dish out.
  7. I'm on the market for buying a new truck. Basically I only see two trucks on the market in my price range. #1 2005 Chevy 1500 LS 2WD with 120k miles for 4k (speedometer is broken) #2 1997 Dodge 1500 4WD with 200k miles for 4.4k (comes VA inspected, I'll still have to get it MD inspected) I really want a 4x4 vehicle but 200k miles sounds like a lot.. I should be able to get more out of the chevy then the dodge before it breaks or something. Basically what I'm asking is, is 200k mileage to much for that price? The Chevy is a really good deal and I'd get it for a great price but I'd honestly rather have something I want then get stuck with a 2WD truck just because it's worth more money then what the guy is selling it to me for. But again if the Dodge will break down in 10k miles it's probably not worth it..
  8. Mann fishing with live bait is a different taste then because I enjoy it. Especially saltwater. Nothing beats casting out a rig in the ocean and spiking your rod into the ground sitting in a chair focusing on the smell of the air, sound of the waves, and the sand on your feet and nothing BUT that. It's a world with out any problems! Oh and it's fun to catch big fish too
  9. I actually decided not to go that route. My mom talked me out of it. She's right it's to late in the season. I should of started selling myself back in march and find a stable client base before the season. Most of anyone that actually cares about their lawns already have contracts with somebody. I just really wish I could get away from all the toxic dust. It's what I hate the most, it's gotta give cancer to anyone who does this for a prolonged time. We're talking about major dust cloud that covers your entire body when after you're done and when you get home at 12:30am you just wanna go to straight to bed with out shower. I've put some thought in getting personal trainer certified once I get my HS diploma (in 4 days ) I'd be good at it plus lifting and dieting is my passion. I personally feel im more qualified with out certification then the average chain gym trainer lol. It has better hours to and I can probably work around community college too. Not a bad idea. not a bad idea. But for now I'll just keep me current job.
  10. I'm kind of frustrated with my job. I work 3pm to 12am every night and I've completely sacrificed my social life for 10 dollars an hour. Not only the hours drag and it's late night but majority of our customers are lazy ********. I also work around toxic chemicals and breath in the dust every night when blowing out the store. Not good for my health. It's just to much stress, and steals to much of my social life for an 18 year old boy. I've only been working at the store for two months, I'll get a substantial raise in one more month it's just that closing the store is getting really old fast. I need to get out of retail. I've been kind of fantasizing of the old classic lawn cutting for the summer. I'd have to make a few investments of course. I was talking about this with my mom earlier and she does not think it's reality for a guy my age saving up for a car. I think she's wrong though. I could also get my name around for other home and lawn care needs and possibly even dog walking. Has anyone done this at one point in their life or doing it now? Is it legit or am I just doing what I said, fantasizing?
  11. I can tell you exactly how much I eat lol 2500calories Monday-Friday no dairy or grain just whole food. 40%/25%/35% p/c/f Saturday 7,000 calories and BEYOND!!!!! It's a whole day spent eating junk food. sunday I fast the whole day This saturday I consumed 4 hamburgers a pizzone a bowl of icecream chipotle burrito 2 moonpies a box of cereal 6 poptarts 6 piece chicken tender macaroni and misc junk food from the cabnit.
  12. Large mouth would not be a good beginner fish. They need very large tanks and eat a lot. You just can't feed them goldfish everyday either.
  13. I just started getting into this kind of music
  14. Blahhh it already cost $150 a month to feed me....
  15. I thought it would be more then 250 pit's put down a month. A other factor is careless breeding and impulse buying. Family has a dog and think it's a good idea to get a female dog so they can have cute adorable puppies. Dog gives birth to 6 pups, and give em away for free to unknown families. Turns out they weren't really dog people and get rid of them at the shelters. I understand why needing licensing to own dogs is a bad idea. But the dog breeders should pressure spay and neutering to buyers to stop careless breedings.
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