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  1. Raul's post in What To Fish At Night was marked as the answer   
    Under low visibility conditions: make it loud, make it thump, make it really shiny and that applies to any low visibility condition night to day.
    What I use at dark: Lipless cranks with or without rattles ( just in case you were going to ask if no rattles catches fish ), single cupped colorado or Tennessee blade spinnerbaits, bladed jigs with C tailed trailers ( grubs, craws and my now favorite: subwoofers ), surface lures like Jitterbugs. I´m not a big fan of worm/jig fishing in the dark, I can´t see the line well ( and before some smart comes and tells me I can use blacklight: I don´t practice fishing at dark from a boat ). So how shiny comes into the equation ? well, bass can see shiny very well under low visibility conditions.
  2. Raul's post in What Lure Is This? was marked as the answer   
    There´s only one Rapala jerkbait that fits that description ---> Rapala Long Cast Minnow.
  3. Raul's post in What Lure Is This? was marked as the answer   
    YUM Crawbug.
  4. Raul's post in Color Choice was marked as the answer   
    Color in low visibility conditions is a lot less important han the other characteristics that do really matter like size, profile, hydrodynamic signature, sound and vibration, fish like bass can locate a bait even if they were blind.
    Make it fat, make it loud, make it shiny, make it wide wobbling.
  5. Raul's post in Favorite Lure For A New Body Of Water was marked as the answer   
    Favorite Lure For A New Body of Water ---------> The exact same I use for an old body of water.
    For ages this is what I use:
    White & Chartreuse single Gold Tennessee blade spinnerbait
    Gold or silver black back lipless crank
    Black jig
    Red Shad, watermelon gold flake, green pumkin red flake worm/grub/stickbait
    Simple, now if I could only convince The BaitMonkey of that .....
  6. Raul's post in Y U M Money Minnow - Need Help was marked as the answer   
    And the answer to your troubles is --------> Sebile Soft Weight System.
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