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Everything posted by Raul

  1. You ask and most likely I have it, but my most productive creature bait is the Brush Hog and Baby Brush Hog, I’ve caught thousands of fish with them, second place is any crawfish imitator, 2 have become my favorites: Rage Craw and Zoom Super Speed Craw. That doesn’t mean I don’t ocassionally fish with other creature baits, it just means that those 2 types cover 90% of my “fishing with creatures” needs.
  2. Owner Phantom Hooks are great .... to a certain point, I’ve tried them, like how they work but I prefer the stoopid rig, it offers me more combinations of weights/hook sizes and hook diameter since I’m doing it with a jighead and I carry a bunch of those.
  3. In Mexico you don’t need a fishing license if you fish from shore only if you fish from a boat. I’ve fished for more than 4 decades, fished all over Mexico and the only place where once I was asked for my fishing license was at Zimapán, glad I had it with me, besides the cost isn’t that much, 50 dollars and it’s Federal ( you can fish in any state with it ). The law is the law, I do the right thing even if there’s nobody to police me.
  4. Do I eat my bass ? Hell, YES ! Bass ceviche is yummi ! Those pound fish that seem to be so abundant in my everyday lake are delicious deeply fried. Do I kill and eat every bass I catch ? Nope, actually it’s been years since I had to kill a bass so I haven’t eaten one in many years. I have nothing against people killing and eating their fair share catch, that’s why we have limits, if biologists say you can keep X amount of fish of X size/weight it’s up to you if you want to excercise your priviledge. I bet gators in the south and them teethy toothy critters like pike up North eat more bass than the people that keep a few ones.
  5. Looking if that little sob ain’t around ............ well, apparently the BaitMonkey ain’t around for the moment, my best fishing tip: “you don’t need a truckload of fishing stuff !” ....... saying it ain’t that hard, the difficulty lies in trying to convince meeself it is true. BTW, there’s these fun sport associated with fishing, it’s called “tackle hoarding” ......
  6. Define “big bass” ..... in my neck of the woods a 20 lb 5 bass string ain’t gonna take you nowhere in a tourney.
  7. “Pros” don’t hunt big fish, seldomly a big fish hunter is a “pro”. I used to hunt for big fish, I was obsessed with catching big uns, traveled hundreds of miles to go hunting to different big momma lakes in order to get the big uns, nowdays I’m happy if I go and catch a few ones and size no longer matters ( can you believe it ?!?, yes, me saying size no longer matters ..... what the hell is wrong with me ? ) I can’t say much about toothy critters robbing you from your favorite bait, but down here there’s these wooden sobs called submerged mesquite trees and we deal with them with these things called plug knockers .....
  8. Or, in other words ...... free your mind, your arse will follow !
  9. Ok, we can see you like topwaters, the question is ..... which topwaters ? I like the Jitterbug. I find these “ if you COULD HAVE” threads disconcerting, why ? “If you could”, dang kido, like if I’m not in the position that I have only one bait, I’ve got thousands ! The proper way to ask is: “if you are forced to” So, if I’m forced to choose, out of the thousands baits I own, only three which ones would I pick : 1 1/2 lipless crank 2 3/8 oz single Tennessee blade spinnerbait 3 I might hate them but I recognize that they are extra productive, 4” stickbait ( “senko” )
  10. So when you gut hook a fish with a worm you are no longer going to fish with them ?
  11. That’s a nice stringer you got there.
  12. You need more than one reel and rod ? WOW ! .... that’s a new one. I guess I must be doing it wrong for the past 45 years, I only need one reel and one rod to fish almost every bait in my Tbox and I say almost every bait because I think I can leave those 3+ oz swimbaits at home, I really seldom fish them.
  13. My XLT Plus and Cardinal UltraCast 62 Abus from the mid 80’s are still in operation. Truth being said, after purchasing them I really didn’t “need” to purchase more, if you start with good stuff you won’t need to purchase again in a very long time and when you finally do it has more to do with trying something new than actually needing it. I didn’t purchase new reels well beyond a decade after getting those. Got my first Curado in 1994, a decade after purchasing the Abus.
  14. Meanwhile it was sunny clear skies and 92º down here.
  15. One of my favorite rods is 2 piece.
  16. Unlike spinning reels you can spool line a lot heavier than spec “recommended” in bcs.
  17. Initially I purchased both cuz, you can’t fish with just one, next combo did the same, first I got spinning, next I got bc; from that moment on it really didn’t matter, actually I’m more of a reel kind of guy, I got way more reels than rods.
  18. ok, I’ve seen something similar in a pond I used to fish, in the case of this video I don’t know if it’s a wild duck or some souless son of a ..... put a baby duck on the pond to be eaten.
  19. Too danged right !
  20. Are you a frugal fisherman? HELL NO ! nor do I want/care to.
  21. There ain’t no eels where I live, the nearest ocean is 350 miles away, our rivers only carry water during 6 months, the rest of the time they are bone dry. So nothing applies .....
  22. Hmmm, I think I can fish that .... my everyday lake used to be like that many years ago, now all that brush has gone, thank the Allmighty there are still willows and mesquite trees, those don’t rot easily.
  23. Raul


    Heddon Torpedo
  24. As long as it’s kept from UV radiation ( direct sunlight ), ozone, extreme dryness nylon lasts a very long time, I have spools of 10 years old nylon and it’s perfect.
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