The baitfish activity
The pieces of the puzzle begin to come together, bass feed on other creatures, mainly baitfish and crawfish, baitfish ( shads, shiners, minnows, bluegills ) feed on ........plankton or in other forms of life that feed on plankton, since plankton can 't "move" it is subject to the wind, wind drifts plankton concentrating it, baitfish will take advantage of the situation and will be in places where the wind has drifted the plakton, where baitfish are bass are. Crawfish are predatory and necrophagic creatures, they feed on dead animals or hunt for their food, a school of minnows is an open invitation for lunch.
Wind not also drifts the plankton, it also stirs the bottom, the areas where the wind is blowing are murkier than the rest, murky = decreased light penetration = less visibility, bass can 't differentiate between a bunch of minnows and your lure beacuse they don 't see it very well but he can hear it and feel it, and if you are skillful, those signals feel and sound like " hey, I 'm wonded " and hey I 'm wounded means an easy meal to mr. or mrs. bass, too bad that the easy meal has hooks on it.
Also the strenght and the speed is important, too strong and BYE, BYE cloud cover.
Low puffy clouds mean good cloud cover, less light and possibly rain, high clouds or no clouds at all means sunny day, which do you prefer ? what bothers you less ? unless you are one of those sun lovers in search for a good tan I prefer cloudy days.
In fishing, cloudy days, the fish will be shallower, sunny days the fish will be deeper. In sunny days look for shade, strong sunlight doesn 't affect bass, it does not hurt their eyes like many believe, bass see like we do with polarized glasses, but bass do not like sun because their prey can see them as well as they can see their prey, bass prefer to hide in the shade because their preay can 't see them. To make an analogy, you are outside then you come into a room, what happens ? are momentarily blinded, if a predator is inside the room those seconds are the ideal opportunity to pounce on you.
Not all weeds and weed beds are created equal, some are productive and others aren 't, some offer protection and sahde others don 't, some grow only at a certain depth, others grow deeper. They also tell you the structure of the bottom, a huge expanse of weeds like an alfalfa field means that they are growing on a flat, isolated patches of weeds tell you that the bottom is irregular and that it has shallow and deep areas, weeds like hydrilla only grow as deep as they can get enough sunlight, cattails only grow on shallow silty bottom.
In fishing, a huge expanse of weeds is not a good place to cast your baits, there is nobody there, isolated or irregular weed beds are where you want your bait to be. Also where two type of weeds meet is another place where you want your baits, it creates an edge and bass like egdes.
Recreational water activity
We all hate skiers, water skiers, picnickers, in other words, we hate anybody who uses the water except for fishing ( I don 't know who gave them those ideas ) and why we hate them, they are noisy and scare the fish away, but do they really scare the fish ? not really, fish don 't get scared, fish get cautios and bury in cover or go to the depths.