Yup, roboworms are a good and reliable way to catch you a limit really fast when you 're in a tourney, a friend of mine learned it the hard way. On one of those rare ocassions I have the chance to fish away from my two hour drive radius I made a tip to Cajón de Peñas near Puerto Vallarta, not being a tourney fisherman I 'm not aware where tourneys are talking place, to my surprise when I arrived to the lake there were a big bunch of boats churning the water :-/, dang ! a tournament >, instead of fishing the way I normally fish that lake I tied roboworms, reapers and grubs, by mid day the boat traffic and fishing pressure was so intense that they were refusing to bite anything but the smaller offerings fished in cover ( parota trees ) by noon as we banked the boat ( during the weight-in ) I spotted a good friend of mine; approached him and asked how he did, he showed me a stringer of 5 fish the biggest one about 3 pounds, really sad because 2-4 pounders were what we were catching not by the truckloads but with enough consistency to make it fun, I asked him what was he fishing with, the answer was no surprise, 8 inch worms, deep divers, big jigs, the usual stuff you tie for that lake, then he asked me how many fish I caught, I told him that we didn 't count them but the count was somehwere around 40 good ones between me and my partner, his eyes popped out
"hey ! with what were you catching them ?"
oh, with roboworms n 'reapers, n '4 inch grubs,
"with robo what ?" ???,
with roboworms
"never heard about them"
Oh well, being a tackle junki you always find something in what to spend your money : as I handed him a pack of them.
"and how you fish these things ?"
with a split shot as a sinker, pretty much like a C-rig
"got more of them ?"
Shure, I have plenty, I can share a couple of packs with you.
The next couple of days he finished in the top five fishing exclusively with them, he didn 't catch any biguns but he finished in the money.