Instead of chunking and winding lures like a dummy "in search" for the fish look at the surroundings and conditions in the lake, casts are like roses, they shouldn 't be given to the pigs.
The water temperature is ?
The skies are ?
The air temperature is ?
The contour above the lake is ?
What structural features does the lake has above water level ?
The wind is blowing from where to where ?
The level of the lake is ?
The weeds are alive, dead, a mix of dead and alive ?
The color of the water is ?
The turbidity of the water is produced by what ?
The slope of the terrain is ?
The bottom composition is ?
The weeds are ?
You can cast a "search bait" all day long until your arm pulls out of it 's socket and still don 't find the fish beacuse you 're casting it in the wrong place at the wrong depth.
Let me give you an example.
Never been to a that lake, I don 't know anything about it, I get to the lake, the lake is big, 8-10 times my regular lake is, this is what I found:
Water temperature: 77°C
Skies: Sunny with scattered clouds
Air temperature: 100°F, humid, opressive
The contour: the lake is on between several hills in a "valley", the shape of the lake follows exatly the contour of the hillsides, that means that if there 's a depression in the terrain above the water level there 's a cove in the lake.
Structural features:
old stonewalls built on the terrain long before the lake was built,
stone patches formed by stones anywhere from 3 ft in diameter to the size of a compact car scattered across the shoreline,
the boulder covered dam
The wind: no wind most of the time, ocassional breeze from the east.
Color of the water: milky
Turbity: the nature of the turbidity is supended clay particles, it 's the rainy season so clay is washed from the hillsides and into the lake.
Water Clarity: more less a foot
Slope of the terrain: most of the lake has a very small slope, around 8-10 degrees.
Bottom composition: the same as the surrounding terrain, a mix of clay, some sand, pebbles and with those ocassional patches of big rocks.
Weeds: patches of elodea, water hyacinth.
Woody cover: non existant.
As I zig zag through the patches of water hyacinth I notice in my depthfinder that all the fish I see in my screen are between the surface and 18 ft deep, you don 't see any fish below the 18 ft mark. What does this tells you ?
Lake level: full pool, the lake is spilling.
Barometric pressure: Low, I can see in the distance above the hill that surround the lake black, heavy clouds.
The result of the brainstorm
1.- The fact that all the fish are above the 18 ft mark tells me that there 's a thermocline at more or less 18 ft--------> I just ruled out 2/3 rds of the lake, there 's no point in fishing water deeper than 18 ft deep. The water is very warm and with that slope 15 ft of water, the most likely zone fish will be located, means that I have to fish between the water level and anywhere from 20-40 yards from the bank.
2.- The water turbidity is made from clay means that there 's poor visibility and that the turbidity is not made from FOOD ( plankton ). The color of the water is milky due to the clay. The water clarity is not that bad, 1 foot is quite good given the circumstances. This tells me that the fish due to the poor visbility will be holding on structure not cover beacuse there 's no woody cover and the elodea patches are too small to hold fish.
3.- Since the only important structural features are those patches of rocks, the stone walls and the boulder covered dam----------> I just ruled out half of that 1/3 rd left of fishable water, that leaves me with 1/6th of the lake.
4.- The lake is at maximum pool and spilling, that creates current on the side the spillway is located--------> I just ruled out another big chunk of water now I only have 1/12th of the lake, I will fish the side where the spillway is located.
5.- No wind or very light ocassional breeze from the east, fortnately the spillway is located on the west of the lake, excellent reason why should I remain on the WEST of the lake.
6.- Structure, structure and more structure again, I need to locate areas of rocks and/or rock walls, the closer they are together the better, fish will move from one to the other, the area around the rocks and between both is the area to fish.
7.- Because it 's sunny, the water is still water hyacinth is the only source of shade, the drawback, it drifts, I need to find areas where I have all the elements and where water hyacynth can 't or will very slowly drift away.
Baits: Spinnerbaits, rattling crankbaits, curly tail worms, lizards and creatures, soft plastics the bigger the better.
Colors: Dark or shiny, your choice, natural colors don 't work fish can 't see them, soft plastics the same, watermelon, green pumpkin, red shad, black shad, black, with metal flake.
Gee, I guess I was right, LUCK has nothing to do with catching fish, luck is catching a bigun instead of a little one. First time ever been to that lake and that 's just a sample of what I caught and the numbers I caught.