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Everything posted by Raul

  1. When your idea of a higher education consist in attending the Bassmasters University. When your garden looks like a jungle. When you practice pitchin, flippin n 'castin in that jungle that used to be your garden When you house looks like crap but your boat and your tow vehicle look liek out of a show room. When your house is 50 years old but your boat and tow vehicle are brand new. When Dick Cabela and Johnny Morris send you a Christmas card personally signed by them every year. When your name and picture is on a plaque at your local fishing stuff store under the title: Customer of the Year Women think that all men think about is sex......they are wrong, there are more important things in this world than sex, like Bass fishin. Being a redneck is not really a bad thing, all bass fishermen are rednecks, actually, you have to be a die hard redneck to be a bass fisherman. BIG MOMMA ain 't a fat lady with monster boobs and humongous rear end, big momma ain 't your granny either........oh man ya know what I mean.
  2. Never mind the pressure, look at the weather associated with it. A drop in 3, 4, 5 mb on a sunny clear cloudless day has no effect and so is the opposite.
  3. I would run to the stream like a bat out of hell, they will be there as soon as the water from the surrounding terrain begins to pour into the stream and into the pond.
  4. What Chris said.
  5. Fish what you are familiar with, find "your" lake in the other lake. The strcture and cover that holds fish in your lake holds fish in the other lake, the fish are the same, why should they behave different ? if dropoffs are producing fish for you right now then that 's what you should fish in the other lake.
  6. If you don 't find it the regulations and laws of the state then it 's because it is not illegal or it is not being even considered. Rule number 7 of BASS tourneys is a good example of a rule ( not a law ) that regulates tournaments, snagging or foul hooking is forbidden ( disqualification of the catch ) in tournament, it doesn 't necessarily mean that it 's illegal in the state where the tornament is taking place.
  7. I was wondering what determines a legal hookup? The laws or the rules. In Cali any fish not caught by the mouth is snagged and the law says you have to release the fish immediately. In some tournaments you can 't keep foul hooked fish, the rules forbid it.
  8. I think that we would be really pushing it, ya know what I mean. Last time the four of us went fishing ( Pedro, Alejandro, Sergio and me ) these were the events that happened: 1.- Blown tire on the trailer as we was going in a pretty scary part of the highway, curves all over and nowhere to park, ok no problem, we had a spare. 2.- Blown tire ( the other tire ) on the dirt road that leads to the lake, WTH ? :-?..... we used the spare of the truck 3.- The moment we all four stepped out of the vehicle, as a matter of fact, the moment the last one of us put his feet on the ground-------> a "norte" entered the lake, norte is the term we use here to describe the howling winds that blow from the north with hurricane like force, a nanosecond before the last one of us stepped out of the vehicle the lake was in calm. The "norte" lasted 5 days of the six we had to fish. 4.- The boat didn 't start when we launched it. Ok, no problem we had an auxiliary outboard, but it 's not the same 50 HP than 5 HP. Actually the waves were so high for the first 3 days that we fished from the bank. 5.- During the trip back in a place called " El Valle de los Fantasmas " ( Valley of the Ghosts ) the fog was so heavy that we couldn 't see the little Ram head on the hood of the Ram Charger, I had to drive with an open window looking at the painted line in the middle of the road. 6.- It downpoured as we approached San Luis Potosi, when we entered San Luis we just drove into a lagoon ( because that 's the only way I can describe it ) in the middle of a boulevard, the result was that the spark plugs of the truck got wet. Three hours later we were able to restart the truck. Those were the important ones, forget about the other "minor" inconviniences we suffered on that trip. But like that trip I can tell you about others when we the four join for a "fishing" trip. We have come to the conclusion that even though we enjoy very much the company of all us four together we will no longer plan fishing trips, if we want to meet we do it in the safety of our homes.
  9. You know why bass strike buzzbaits ? ...........beacuse you are matching the hatch.........buzzbaits look a lot like them annoying water skiers.
  10. Weeeeeeeelllllllll...........you ain 't alone my man ! that makes two of us. Also, there must be something in the combination certain fishing partners and I do, for example, if I and my friend Pedro go fishin together---->OK, when I and my friend Alejandro ( Pedro 's brother in law ) go fishin together------> OK, Pedro and Alejandro go fishing together--------> OK; me, Pedro and Alejandro go fishin together -----> UH OH ! :-/ and if you add our common friend Sergio to the mix-------> HOLY COW ! jinx EXTREME.
  11. The IGFA is to fishing what AKC and FCI is to dogs, if in their books the breed is not recognized then it 's not a pure bred.
  12. 13.87 lbs just because my PB is 13.86 lbs.
  13. Just one little detail, you will have to fish with IGFA certified line to apply for those records all the time, they are very touchy on that subject, for example: if your line is labeled 6 pounds doesn 't mean it will break at 6 pounds, most manufacturers under rate the breaking point of the line, a 6 lbs line may test 7, 8 or 9 lbs in reality, that simple fact will disqualify your catch. For what I know ANDE and Maxima are IGFA certified lines.
  14. ACE hardware stores used to carry silica gel sachets or by jar.
  15. It 's not better for the fish, it 's better for your hands.
  16. It depends a lot on what you 're fishing, finesse doesn 't necessarily mean minute or microscopic baits and spider web line, to me thowing a weightless T rigged Trickworm on 17 pound test line to a brushpile is a finesse presentation while throwing a 4 inch grub T rigged with a 1/2 ounce sinker on 8 pound test to a bluff is power presentation.
  17. That is so funny Nick !
  18. Looking carefully at the pic now that you are mentioning it....... you 're probably right !
  19. My advice has nothing to do with line diameter or color, lure size or it 's color my advice has to do with you, in clear water fish CAN SEE YOU, so blend with the surroundings, do not wear bright colors, browns, greens or cammo is what you should wear, avoid sudden movements, do not cast your shadow towards your intented target and obviously do not cast your bait in your shadow, pass your intended target and fish it from the other side, it 's better if you sit down or kneel to cast than if you are standing up.
  20. The way it was told to me was if you look on the underside of the bottom lip and notice a bump it is a female if it is not there it is a male. This is coming from Dion Hibdon on a female the bump is more pronounced BS ! Actually the sexual dimorphism is not apparent in individuals Chris, the only sexual dimorphism is the size, bigger than 5.5 lbs 99% shure it 's a female. But if you really want to know.........turn the fish with its belly up, press the belly so the fish poops and exposes the genital papilae, clean the poop, add a drop of methilene blue to the papilae, wait a couple of seconds, rinse and look closely, males have 2 orifices females have 3. Pretty complicated isn 't it ? specially when you don 't have a fish nerd like me right next to you to tell you how the orifices look like.
  21. Males reach 5 pounds or a lttle bit more ( half a pound more ). So a 5 3oz is still in the weight of a male.
  22. Half an inch may not sound like much but it 's a world of difference in body mass. My experirnce with the Bassresource weigght calculator is that it 's pretty close to the actual weight. Last year I caught a 23 x22 fish, just to see how accurate the calculator is I entered the measurements = 9.698 pounds, the actual weight of the fish was 9.86 pounds so you can say that it 's pretty close. According to Matt 's measurements of the fish 23.5x22 = 11.92 pounds in the weight calculator give or take 0.2 pounds for the actual weight the fish must be around 11.7 to 12.1 pounds. Your fish = 11.2-11.6 pounds actual weight.
  23. So you can make a side by side comparison: 25 lbs ? 19 lbs
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