The difference between a consisitent anglers and non consistent one is the way those itsy bitsy pieces of information are put together, you are the one who makes a good day. Each piece of information you see means something Redtail.
Water temperature is a crucial piece of information because it rules the methabolism of the fish, bass can tolarate a wide range of temperatures but bass has a comfort zone, the temperature at which the fish will be at it 's own, bass feel at home in water between 19-22 °C, lower than that the fish will be less active, higher than that fish will also be less active. In the practice: if you are fishing let 's say a flat where the water temperature is above 22°C most probably fish won 't even be there, and the ones you can find will be where the water is cooler, like undernearth weeds or on the shady side of objects. What to do with the information: why bother in casting right and left all over the flat if the fish are hiding where the water is a couple of degrees cooler ? cast to the shady side, cast to the holes in the weedbeds.
That 's one of example on how one piece of information ( water temperature ) tells you where you are going to find the fish. The more variables you add to the equation the more defined your pattern will be.
For example let 's take rain: why do you think it will make fish more agressive ? will it make them more agressive all throughout the lake ? what does rain do that activates the fish ? where you will find the fish ?
Normally, unless it 's a downpour fish become active with rain, this doesn 't necessarily mean it will make the fish more active throughout the entire lake, it 's the areas where after the rain or if it has been raining for several days in a row where the fish will be more active, specially in those areas where the rainfall enters the lake in the form of a spring, creek or river; why ? because rain creates great conditions, it washes away insects with it, bluegills and other forage fish eat insects, where their food is they will be, bass prey upon bluegills and other fish therefore where his food is he will be, also not only insects are washed away with rain, soil is also washed away, the water will become murky or muddy, perfect place to ambush. What are you doing on the other side of the lake wasting casts trying to catch fish that are not there ? go the where the river or creek is !