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Everything posted by Raul

  1. ICE = water in solid form used to keep yer beers penguin butt cold in the cooler while you enjoy feeshin in 110° weather.
  2. Oh wow ! I forgot to add campin ', yup we us southern guys are quite outdoorsy. ;D
  3. Down here across the border there 's no time for cool projects for the "cold season", we have too much fishin n 'huntin to do. ( my mistake )
  4. You are not going to believe it, it 's not the obscene price but I don 't feel any warmth in my heart for the Calais DC, but this one: is a completely different story.
  5. What did you learn this year? That the BaitMonkey remains as powerful and mean as the day I met him for the first time. LONG LIVE THE ALLMIGHTY BAITMONKEY !!!!!
  6. TDZ
  7. Lawnmower, that 's where the extra gas goes. You in the north ? ( my mistake ;D )
  8. You can 't purchase any mainstream Compre in another action than the one they are being manufactured with: fast or extra fast depending upon the model. The only other Compre with another type of action ( medium fast ) is the Compre Crankbait ( CPCC prefix ).
  9. If you want to "beef up" the Scorpion 's drag all you need is to replace the drag washers with: 1.- Stock Chronarch Mg drag washers from Shimano or 2.- Get a set of Carbontex smoothies for CU100/101B from Smooth Drag. Disassemble the reel and replace the washers for new ones and presto !
  10. That 's what the specs say Lubina, I do notice a huge difference between both, the drag in the Ch50Mg is more powerful than the one in the Scorpion Mg.
  11. The sale is only for the 1001 KU, but right now there are no righties. It 's just a matter of waiting and they pop up again. Got 2 on Friday ( the BaitMonkey made me do it ! ), another one for me and the other for a friend, plus a Zillion for me........man that chimp sure is vicious when he wants to. :-/
  12. I have both, the differences are: 1.- Handle length: 80 mm handle ( Chronarch ) vs 70 mm handle ( Scorpion ) 2.- Weight: 5.9 oz ( Chronarch ) vs 6.2 oz ( Scorpion ) 3.- Brake system: VBS ( Chronarch ) vs 4x4 SVS ( Scorpion ), the SVS is externally adjustable the VBS is not. 4.- Drag: 10 Lbs ( Chronarch ) vs 8 lbs ( Scorpion ) Now, listen very closely and pay attention, GinRinPeche e-bay has a limited Scorpion blow-out sale on the Scorpion 1001 ( lefty ) for $160 plus free shipping.
  13. You need a Kistler Helium ( several to satisfy the chimp ) All purpose rod in the length you like the most.
  14. Brits also have accents and even ways of talking depending upon the region.
  15. $7 bucks per vial Avid, available at JapanTackle.....only problem I see is you have to pay about 15 dollars in shipping. ;D But how about purchasing other stuff with Jun and order a few vials in the process ?
  16. Now you know what 's the difference between a 6 ounce reel and an 8+ ounce reel. Been saying it for over a year, but apparently nobody listens. .
  17. Wrong bait to walk the dog.
  18. If you have never disassembled a reel don 't start now unless you really want to do it, those teeny tiny springs have more flying capabilities than the space shuttle, those teeny tiny clips that hold componets together have the nasty habit of "dissapearing" and apparently they posses some sort of sticking propeties that make them stick to anything. Better have it done by a pro like RM.
  19. I agree Chris that drag setting is about "feel" based through experience, it 's easy to understand for old farts like us what you mean. Turn the star ---> pull, turn the star --- > pull and repeat as needed until it "feels" right, nothing fancy, no rocket science involved, just plain ol trial and error based in our experience...... but how long it took us to find the right ammount of pressure ? I see nothing wrong with the method exposed by Matt, and it 's a good way to start developing the habit of properly setting the drag to the right ammount of pressure until they develop the ability of finding the point when it "feels right". Also, 99% of the people don 't have any idea what kind of drag their reels have, Shimanos are completely different from Daiwas; Shimanos have "wet" drag systems while Daiwas have "dry" drag systems, and both even though designed to perform the same duty have two different approaches and both "feel" different.
  20. Try growing up with teachers from almost every English speaking country in the face of the earth; I had yankee teachers, southern teachers, british teachers, irish teachers and australian teechers. Git it mate ?
  21. Yes there is better: "Noche Buena", made by Corona.
  22. Under arm cast.
  23. You are not going to find much about it in bass fishing forums, it 's a light saltwater reel like the Smak.
  24. Got two of those gathering dust in the dishonarably discharged from duty box along with other completely useless lures like a couple of Heddon 's Cousin II, never caught even a cold with them.
  25. If it doesn 't have the name "CORONA" then it ain 't beer.
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