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Everything posted by Raul

  1. The exact overal weight "saving" between the original 100 spool and the ChMg spool was 6 grams or 0.28 oz, so from 8.5 ounces ( Curado 100B weight ) it went down to 8.22 oz......not much for to make it lighter in weight. :-? Will it cast better ? yes it will, but not from the weight "reduction"; but from what RM mentioned, also, those low mass drilled spools require less force to break the inertia and start & maintain the rotation of the spool.
  2. You are not going to believe it but rainbow trout pattern also imitates bluegill colors, specially during bluegill spawning saeson.
  3. I know I I will catch fish, it 's just a matter of finding out how many. Mizu no kokoro: mind as clear as water.
  4. Mounted my first 10 pounder, had a replica made for my PB; I 'd rather have the replica, at least you can wash the dang thing.
  5. Older school: nothing.
  6. Nope. Spiral wrapping:
  7. Gator burgers anyone ?
  8. Fishing with swimbaits by no means guarantees you 'll catch big fish, bass have bigger mouths than brains, so, as long as it looks edible regardless of the size and if the fish is in the mood it will attack the bait. Also, you may cast a swimbait for hours and not get even a follow up. Here 's an example: I caught that one with a Dead or Alive 5" swimbait and certainly is not a trophy fish. There are 3 types of swimbaits: Hard: made from wood or hard plastic Soft Plastic: made from poliurethane Hybrid: hard body with soft plastic tail You can make a subdivision between the bouyancy also: Floating Sinking: slow sinking & fast sinking. So as with other types of lures there 's plenty from where to choose, your pocket is the limit. As for finish, it really doesn 't matter, down here bass have never seen a trout and will never see a trout and trout finish baits work, presentation and location are more important than finish.
  9. It 's not a smallie but I caught this one: With a Daiwa Dead or Alive 5" swimbait which is a lot bigger than a Sammy 100.
  10. It is so peacefull and serene.........yeah, everything is peaceful and serene when your rear end begins to freeze. Nah, you can never convince me, I 'm a warm loving critter; I even turned a good job opportunity ( 50 Can/hour for starters ) in a meat packing company in Canada. Better poor in the warm than rich in the friggin ' cold !
  11. The Scorpion drag has plenty of power to horse the most common size fish everybody catches ( 1-6 pounds ), for trophy hunting you need a lil bit more muscle.
  12. Any Gloomis rod with the digit "2" at the end of the model will serve you as a crankbait rod. But why spend 225-250 bux in an IMX rod when you can get a GLoomis Crankbait rod for less than 200 ?
  13. Because to spiral wrap the right way you have to find the rod spine in order to make the spiral wrap perform the way it should, which means dissasembling the rod to get to the blank to find the spine; you don 't spiral wrap just beacuse it looks nice or out of the ordinary, spiral wrapping is not a cosmetic thing, it has a function, to reduce the torque and the tendency of the rod to rotate.
  14. You won 't find a spiral wrapped rod from a mass producing rod company like GLoomis, StCroix, Falcon etc. The only ways to get a spiral wrapped rod are either from a custom builder ( like our very own RM ) or from a small rod manufacturer like Megabass ( and even them don 't have all their rods spiral wrapped ).
  15. You really are a good neighbor. Down in Florida we use Laxatives for that. AVID !
  16. . Raul I know I'm becoming a pain in the neck and I feel sorry for myself :-[ but man I can't find any thing that says eve close to CU 100B in that product list :'( My appology but please clarify it. Thanks Check the Calcutta washers, Calcutta washers and Curado washers are the same size. For a Scorpion you need a Calcutta 200 kit.
  17. Without looking at the stickers ( got the reels at home ) Curado 200 is '94 ( bought that one at Academy in July 1994 ), Chronarch SF must be somewhere around 2000 ( got that one at Academy in Jan 2001 so it can 't be 2001 ), Curado B38 is 2003 ( ? )-2004 ( got that one from BPS a couple of years ago in March ).
  18. Here 's an interesting story about ahuehuetes Roger, the truth is that the conquest of Tenochtitlan by the spanish was not really performed by the spanish, it was performed by a combination of factors: 1.- The aztec superstition that Quetzalcoatl ( aztec god ) was going to return, Quetzalcoatl was described as a white man so when the Spanish conquistadors appeared aztecs thought that Cortez was Quetzalcoatl. 2.- The sighting of a comet which in aztec religion was seen as a sign of Quetzacoatl 's return 3.- Aztecs were pretty much hated by the tribes they conquered like the tlaxcaltecans, this tribes became allies to the Spanish conquistadors. 4.- Biological warfare, one of Cortez men had small pox, europeans were pretty much "inmune" to small pox, but the native americans were not, small pox, measles, chicken pox and other diseases were unknown by the native american inmune system. Inadvertedly the Spanish introduced this diseases decimating the native american population. 5.- The way in which aztecs waged war, aztecs took prisoners either for ransom or to be sacrificed to their gods, instead of killing the Spanish soldiers they took them prisoners. At first when Cortez arrived he was mistaken as a god, then when the aztecs saw that he was no god they fought him defeating his army, during the retreat of Cortez ' army happend on of the most memorable days in Mexican history, it 's called "La Marcha de la Noche Triste" ( the march of the sad night ) where Cortez sawing his army defeated cried at the base of a tree, that tree was an ahuehuete; and to this day ( 485 years later ) the tree is still alive and it 's a national monument. After the retreat Cortez formed an alliance with the tlaxcaltecans, with allies and reinforcements he returned to Tenochtitlan which by that time had already being decimated by small pox, it took no effort to Cortez to conquer Tenochtitlan because there was no one to defend it. So the conquest of Tenochtitlan was not really peroformed by the military ability of Cortez nor the superiority of the Spanish expedition, it was performed by a combination of factors, the true conquerors of the Aztec Empire were the native tribes and the small pox.
  19. Experience based on a single day has hardly enough evidence to draw a conclussion like that one. Some days line visbility doesn 't matter at all, others line visbility is the difference between catching fish or come in empty handed.
  20. How were you holding the reel Muddy ? With baitcasters you have to rotate your wrist until the handle is PERPENDICULAR to the gound ( if you are righty with a righty reel knobs should be facing UP, if you are righty with a lefty reel knobs should be facing DOWN ) Holding the reel to cast like this is a NO NO:
  21. 0.3 ounces is not much of a BIG difference in weight, I 've got both and it 's the about the same. If you are an angler that needs to continously make adjustments to the braking system the external adjustment in the Scorpion Mg sure comes in handy because you don 't have to open the sideplate, I seldomly have to make adjustments to the braking system so for me it 's the same if it has external adjustment or not. The most noticeable difference for you here in the real world is the handle size, the Scorpion has a 70 mm handle vs the stock 80 mm handle found in the Chronarch. Some anglers don 't like that smaller handle. To me it 's the same if it has 80 or 70 mm handle. Both reel perform exactly the same. If you can get in practical terms the same performance for 80 dollars less then it 's a no brainer, get the Scorpion Mg.
  22. Because the Calcutta washers are the same size for Curados and Chronarchs.
  23. It 's a native species called Ahuehuete ( pronounced ahwehwehteh) Roger, the name means " The old man of the water " in nahuatl ( dialect the aztecs spoke ). In Mexico only two species of trees grow where the soil is moist year round ( like river beds, springs, lakes and lagoons ), those are ahuehetes and willows. Locate a row of sunken willows or ahuahuetes and bingo !, you 've located the submerged river channel in a manmade lake.
  24. Smoothies Just look for CU100B washers, they are the same size for the Scorpion.
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