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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Being a memeber of both possies I 'd say ....... this is a tough one :-/ ....... Chronarch Mg , if I want a lightning fast reel I just fish with my Stradic, it 's a lot faster than the Zillion.
  2. The difference between the 100M "US Tail" and the 103H&P is the line capacity ( deeper spool for heavier lines ) and the handle length ( 80 mm vs 90 mm ). The 105 is the "finesse" version, shallower spool ( wich in practical terms means less force needed to initiate the rotation ) so less line capacity.
  3. I think not many have fished with a TDZ, let 's face it, 350 bones for a reel is a good ammount of dough for the everyday Joe, most people have not even broke in the 200 bones mark, but at 200 no reel available in the 200-260 marc today even comes close to a TDZ. If you want something better you are not going to find it at that price ever. If only Pixies had a stronger stock drag :-/ ( sigh ) but upgrading the washers on a Pixy is possible. The mean red pastel mattè fishing machine. ;D
  4. Riskkid reads thread -----> Riskkid finds Monkey. ;D
  5. I was asking myself the same question, but at the main page his name appears in blue ( active ). It 's that danged glitched that appears every now and then.
  6. Watch out guyz, you can go broke "saving" : Me ? oh well, I only purchased 4 of them.
  7. Forgive him father for he does not know what he 's saying.
  8. Catching spawning fish is the easiest thing to do, just fish slowly so your bait either sits or runs closely to the nest, the fish will strike it.
  9. The best time is to be there fishing with your baits in the water whenever you can.
  10. Here 's an example of how the way you rig a bait can make a world of difference in how the bait behaves, screw the fall rate, fall DIRECTION is what counts. Rig it backwards the bait will sink AWAY from you, rig it average the bait will sink vertically; that sinking away makes the bait a true bass killer and allows you to fish places you can 't fish with the average rigging.
  11. Why "correct" something that needs no correction ?
  12. Not to mention that the anti reverse mechanism in reels with Quickfire system is not entirely infinte, lots of handle backplay.
  13. Japanese language lesson #1 : SHIMANO
  14. Been casting with the right & switching the rod to the left to retrieve for the past 33 years.
  15. I second that. I really liked the blank of the Avid, only thingy I hated was the handle, too beefy for my petite hands.
  16. Been fishing that long, one thing I 've leared is that the particular design is the one that catches the most fish through the eye socket than any other hook I 've used, pretty annoying.
  17. Raul

    I hate Senko's

    One of the baits I seldomly tie is the senko, didn 't need them before they were invented.
  18. 13.86 Rapala Shad Rap SR7 SD
  19. Dental supply deposit, those teeny rubber bands are the ones the orthodosists supply for teeth braces.
  20. BTW, Tru Turns are not manufactured by Owner.
  21. Tru Turn hooks are older than dirt, since I 'm about the same age, guess who has fished with Tru Turns ? yup, me; compared to more modern hooks like Gamakatsus, Owners, Daiichis & other brands Tru Turns are have remained stone age, they lack out of the box of something modern hooks have ---> razor sharpness, which means you have to sharpen every single one of them because out of the box their sharpness sucks. Still have TruTurns in my box, all I 'm waiting is for them to run out and NEVER PURCHASE THEM AGAIN.
  22. This isn't true. There was a guy who took 100 crankbaits from various manufacturers and tested them all with 100' of retrieve and 10 lb. line - - in his findings he noted that reeling the lures faster did not get the baits any deeper than using a medium retrieve speed. Listening to crankbait designers, they seem to have the same theory - - once a bait reaches it's maximum depth, reeling faster will not get it any deeper. Diving depth has little to do with the speed at which you retrieve the crank, a lure designed to run to 12 ft will run to 12 ft IF TIED to 0.28-0.31 mm line. Slower reels have more winching power, so instead of reeling in a bucket you reel in a crank, also, a slower reel will keep the bait running for a longer period of time. It 's not about depth, it 's about LONGER time in the water ( where the fish are ) and easiness of retrieve, also, many cranks do not react well when reeled in fast, they just rest on their side.
  23. FD have larger washers, which makes them smoother and more responsive under pressure ( they "stick" less ). Many Shimano RDs come with Fighting Drag system, system that allows you to increase or decrease the drag setting by 50% just by moving a lever, no need to play with the drag setting dial while fighting a fish.
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