Remember what I said ?
- if lure weight is fine
Lure weight is fine ( now it 's a matter of seeing if lure shape and design is also fine ) 1/4 oz
- then it 's the rod,
Rod was fine
- if it 's not the rod, then it 's the line
Line was fine
-if it 's not the rod, then it 's the reel
Reel: I removed some grease where oil should have been placed ----> was not
- if it 's not the reel, then it is you
Casting technique: The one thing I had to really pay attention to was the rod tip on the forward motion of the cast. I had a tendency to snap the rod tip downward while propelling the rod forward, which added to the poor trajectory of the plug. ---> was not
It 's a simple matter of elimination, because there isn 't much to it. Casting is as much art as it is science, just like fishing, part of the factors are in the gear, others are in you, in order to be a good caster you have to know the technical stuff and how the gear functions and how every part in the delivery system reacts, how the alteration in one of the elements has a deep impact on the rest, in order to achieve a goal the 4 elements: reel, rod, line & weight have to be in balance, the easy stuff is balancing the gear, the difficult stuff has nothing to do with it, the difficult stuff or the art is in the casting technique, if ant of those elements doesn 't complement the other the results are far from what you expect. It 's very easy to put the blame on the gear, it 's a lot more difficult to recognize that we may not be doing the thigs correctly.