Well, to be fair, I don 't know if when you become an employee of one the multiple shipping enterprises they give you a course on how to screw up for good. I ordered a GPS and clearly typed in the adress where it had to be delivered: 1820 SOUTH 10TH, see ? that cardinal point that points exactly the opposite of north, guess what ? it was delivered to 1820 North 10TH.
Ok, the person who recieved my package even called me to Mexico to ask if the package belonged to me and asked what did I want to do, I asked him to keep the package and that I would pick it in a couple of weeks. Went to his working place and he even took me to his home to give me the package, you have no idea how appreciated the gesture.
Here 's the point, the UPS sticker attached to the package is about 12 x 12 inches, the letters with the adress are about 2" in height, it reads:
1820 SOUTH 10TH
But attached to the package on one side there was another tiny sticker about 4 in long x 2 in width, with teeny tiny letters you can hardly see with your bare eyes: 1820 North 10TH
How can the delivery guy pay attention to a teeny tiny sticker when on the other friggin side of the danged package you 've got a sticker 5 times larger with BIG letters with the correct adress ! > Am I missing something here ? :-?