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Everything posted by Raul

  1. He means the centrifugal brake system RW.
  2. 3 or 4/0 is the size that fits most baits like a glove, since EWGs appeared in the market I discontnued the use of other types of hooks from my fishing rigs. Just when you purchase hooks be shure NOT to purchase "super line" hooks, those are made from thicker wire and you tear to pieces the bait just by rigging it.
  3. I still have some offsets I purchased a long long time ago, I stopped using them cuz they 've got the nasty habit of hooking the fish through the eye socket from inside the mouth, definately aginst the principles of C&R.
  4. Lucky Craft Real California, Real California Premium and Amago ( Japanese version of the RC Premium ). More pics of what happens when the BaitMonkey twists my arm:
  5. The IMX is manufactured in the US. Shimano does not manufacture in the US, it 's not even based in the US, it 's corporative headquarters are in Japan.
  6. Water is 850 times denser than air Water looses heat at a much more slower rate than air, a sudden drop in air temp does not affect water temperature, for the water to decline in temperature it takes many days of low air temperatures or a sudden flow of water at a lesser temperature into the lake ( for ex: ice or snow melting or rain run off ) otherwise the water maintains it 's temperature because it 's a heat reservoir. "Seasonal" behavior depends on two things: 1.- In animals that do not regulate their body temperature like most fish ---> environmental temperature plays an important role since it 's methabolic rate is regulated by the temperature of their body. 2.- Ammount of daylight hours. One or both have a direct impact on the "seasonal" patterns, bass down here in my neck of the woods in places where the water temperature remains practically the same all year long ( ponds fed by wells ) exhibit seasonal behavior just like their counterparts where there 's a variation in the water temperature ( lakes ). The seasonal behavior can only be attributed to one cause: ammount of daylight hours.
  7. I 've got the SJR723 ....... sweet !, a hair less stiff than it 's trigger counterpart but all spinning rods are a little bit lighter than their trigger counterparts.
  8. TackleTeaser, Banana Breath, BaitMonkey, whatever you want to call him, he twists my arme several times a year, this is what happens and they 're not even my tackle boxes:
  9. First of all look at the contour of the terrain above water level, what you see there it 's what 's going to be below water level, strutcure ? you are standing and walking on it. Look at the vegetation above water level, certain trees only grow in very specifical conditions and only specific spots gather such conditions, in my neck of the woods willows only grow naturaly along the banks of rivers and creeks, you see a willow the river or creek channel is running right at it 's feet. You lake has vegetation like hydrilla, lilly pads or tulles ? those weeds only grow at certain depths and on certain soils, any change you see on the weedbed indicates there 's either a greater depth or a change in the bottom composition surrounding it. 95% of the years I 've been fishing were done fishing from the bank.
  10. 27 years ago I began fishing for bass almost exclusively because it 's the only predatory fish in my neck of the woods, I knew nothing about bass so, nothing about baits, nothing about bass tackle, nothing about bass habits so I learned to fish for bass on my own and by reading the few magazines I could find here in Mexico that ocassionaly talked about bass like Field & Stream or OutdoorLife, many times the people writing X or Y article recommend using scents on your baits, but like tackle scents were hard to find down here, one day maybe 22 or 23 years ago I finally managed to put my hands on a bottle of scent and smeared every single lure I could with it, quite frankly I could not assure if my success or my lack of it had to do anything with pouring me the stuff on my lures or not but I can hardly notice any difference, so that bottle old bottle of scent was still around until about a year ago when I finally discarded it ...... with 2/3 of it 's content still in it. You talk about investing in scents, how many are you willing to try or how many are you planning to buy ? purchase a bottle, spend a few bucks and try it, the worst thing that could happen is you keeping a bottle of scent with more than half of it 's content just to discard it 20 years later just like I did.
  11. This is what happens when banana breath twists my arm:
  12. Raul

    Deep Bass

    Depth is a relative term depending upon where you are fishing, in La Sauceda 12 -15 ft is deep, in La Laborcita, Otates or Zimapán you can hardly say that same 12-15 ft is "deep".
  13. Stick baits are by far the most productive weightless. Much to learn you still have.
  14. A pool cue for cranks ? :-?
  15. The difference between a 2000/2500 size model and a 3000 size model is a bigger spool, the reel body is the same.
  16. Got you good didn 't he ? From a Mazda Miata you stepped into a Formula 1 racing car, without the proper training it was obvious it was going to chew you up somehere, the little beast needs to be muzzled while you re-learn how to control it, tighten everything and practice then give it a little more rope, practice again and so on. Within a few days you will regain control on it.
  17. No, you become a billionaire either by inheriting the dough or by knowing how to invest your money wisely.
  18. Depends on how fast I want them to sink.
  19. Original Flappin Hog: Flappin Hog II:
  20. There 's something unholy about pairing an Avid to a a Mitchel Outback.
  21. The flaps are different.
  22. Tubes are not like Ikas, if you don 't weight your tube like Chris just explained you won 't get the action you are looking for, otherwise, tubes can be rigged in almost any way you can rig all them soft plastics and they work !
  23. Excellent picks gentlemen ( LC and FT ) !, even though for what you are describing you want the set up for I prefer FT 's set-up, for stuff where you want the most sensitivity you can get I 'd better have a GLX on my side.
  24. David gave it the perfect description, backreeling is a form of art cuz if you don 't do it good like Smallfry explained you 'll end up with line going to places where line has never gone before .... kinda like Star Trek and Mr.Spok ain 't gonna be there to help you.
  25. Reel model please so we can elaborate on that.
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