27 years ago I began fishing for bass almost exclusively because it 's the only predatory fish in my neck of the woods, I knew nothing about bass so, nothing about baits, nothing about bass tackle, nothing about bass habits so I learned to fish for bass on my own and by reading the few magazines I could find here in Mexico that ocassionaly talked about bass like Field & Stream or OutdoorLife, many times the people writing X or Y article recommend using scents on your baits, but like tackle scents were hard to find down here, one day maybe 22 or 23 years ago I finally managed to put my hands on a bottle of scent and smeared every single lure I could with it, quite frankly I could not assure if my success or my lack of it had to do anything with pouring me the stuff on my lures or not but I can hardly notice any difference, so that bottle old bottle of scent was still around until about a year ago when I finally discarded it ...... with 2/3 of it 's content still in it.
You talk about investing in scents, how many are you willing to try or how many are you planning to buy ? purchase a bottle, spend a few bucks and try it, the worst thing that could happen is you keeping a bottle of scent with more than half of it 's content just to discard it 20 years later just like I did.