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Everything posted by Raul

  1. One is magnetic the other one is centrifugal, both are meant to do the same thing, one does it with weights the other one does it with magnets, drag has nothing to do with any of both systems.
  2. Yup, good finesse baitcaster with some limitations, really smallish offerings like 1/16 th ounce you better have a L - UL rod that loads up or even though the reel can do it you are going to have a really bad time trying to make long casts.
  3. I 've always said that Owner has the best hooks but apparently nobody listens .... maybe the price is waht scares most people away from purchasing the finest hooks out there. :-?
  4. Raul

    WTH ?!?

    That 's the idea, but I already have a Sahara for him, maybe banana breath thought that he must have two reels instead of one ? :-?
  5. Watch out ! there 's a huge pile of BS right there, don 't step on it.
  6. Raul

    WTH ?!?

    I needed ........ oh well, I wanted to change one of my boat seats, originally I purchased 2 gray seats for La Tinasesina to match the gray inside of the boat, one never arrived, BPS gave me a refund and I purchased it at Academy buy the only one I could find was green, I never really liked it, neither the color nor how it mismatched with the boat, so I find out that Curricanes.com ( mexican on-line store ) had a 15% discount on all merchandise for it 's anniversary and they had the seat in the color I wanted, so I went ahead and ordered it. FEDEX guy arrives yesterday with big box, I open the box and there was my boat seat ..... but along with the seat came in several packs of GYCB Kreatures, some packs of hooks ( yeah right, like if I needed more hooks : ), a bunch of jigs, a couple of spools of line, a couple of packs of Super Flukes and a Daiwa Theory 2000 reel. WTH ?!? I swear to God I don 't remember purchasing anything else aside from the boat seat ..... musta been that MF banana breath who sneaked in in between me ordering the boat seat and checking out. >
  7. Halloween- what will you be? The BaitMonkey
  8. Savings and price have never been an issue for me, availability .... that 's another story. When you live in a 3rd world country sometimes what you want and what you need are not always available localy, or it may be available somewhere but no way I 'm going to pay 7 dollars shipping for a 5 dollars spool of line, besides that I may be dangerous, who knows ? the BaitMonkey may jump all over me when ordering the line :-/. For years I 've purchased bulk spools, that way I don 't have to worry for a long time about not having line to respool.
  9. Fished them last weekend weightless, lots of hits but no hookups, big bunch of dinky dinks went for them. >
  10. 1.- There 's only one size of Trickworms, similar shape but different size are from Zoom the Finesse worm & the Swamp Crawler. 2.- You name it, I rig it that way, but my favorite rigs are 1/16-1/4 oz shakey head with a 5/0 hook ( custom pour by me ), split shot rig w a #5 split shot, D- shot, T-rigged weightless or with a weighted hook. But that doesn 't mean I don 't rig them in other ways, those ones are the ones I rig the most. 3.- Tuff question to answer.
  11. I only have 2 feedbacks from e-bay sellers.
  12. You think I posted them to pull banana breath from your back ? You don 't know me very well.
  13. Say nothing and that 's it. Now, if you only had a couple of setups .........
  14. Courtesy of GY.
  15. The line capacity and/ or the gear ratio: 200D.- GR 6.2:1, IPT 26, line capacity --> 8/180, 10/155, 14/110 200DPV.- GR 5:1 IPT 21 200DSV.- Same gear ratio, same IPT but different line capacity 10/180, 12/150, 14/120 100DSV.- smaller reel, lighter, no HEG gearing.
  16. You are not going to believe it but it 's one of the few Rapalas I don 't own, I 've seen them in the flesh, held them in the hand but somehow the BM hasn 't made me jump on them :-?. Weird.
  17. There 's absolutely no way of comparing sensitivity of two rods, sensitivity is something that could be measured physically ( transmission of vibration ) but there is the all important human factor, we are all different, someone may endure having his leg crushed to pieces while another can 't stand the rubbing of cloth on the skin, that 's why sensitivity is a subjective term to describe a sensation. Line slap is bad because it generates friction of the line against the blank which causes heat and interferes with the fluid motion of the line. You will never see line slap on a spinning rod when under stress, the line hangs below and away from it, but you will see line slap on the cast, as the line uncoils from the spool the line slap against the blank something that reduces the length of the cast, that is if you use line that holds a lot of memory. Spiral wrapped rods have a lot less line slap than rods with all the guides on top because by the time the rod bends the line is already underneath it.
  18. You know what line slap is ? Line slap is generated when under load the rod bends and the line touches the blank, less guides doesn 't mean it 's bad, less guides means that the rod bends less and it requires a higher load before line slap happens. Less guides in the real world means that the particular blank in that rod is stiffer than others, other blanks need more guides to stop line slap from happening.
  19. Down here it 's small green fish, mid size green, big green fish or huge green fish, you can pick the one you like the most. I 've never seen myself as one bait kind of guy, as a matter of fact, I hate fishing soft plastics yet still, my best gear is dedicated to them, I like to cast and retrieve, move along and milk my way from one place to the other, soft plastics & jigs are a complement of cranks and spinnerbaits, kinda like sucking dry the last drop of water from the bucket, first I bomb them with different cranks, then come the spinnerbaits and lastly soft plastics & jigs. But sometimes fish are not in the mood to take cranks & spinnerbaits so it 's time to pull out the soft plastics & jigs even though I really hate to fish with them. You gotta do what you gotta do.
  20. Not to burst your bubble, it 's not my intention, you are young but not experienced, life is really a b*h when you live the dream and don 't have a foot stepped on reality. I 've owned several businesses and not so good "businesses", for years I 've been a fish hobbyst, fish fascinate me, animals fascinate me reason why I studied Veterinary Medicine, had my first fish tank when I was 5 back then duiring the age of the dinousaurs of fish keeping I gre with the rechnology as it developed and I understand how the technology works and it 's application, one of my dreams when young was owning an aquarium store and I did, reason why it went down the sewer had nothing to do with me, in four years starting with a few fish tanks I became the largest tropical fish whole and retail seller of the city, my purchases and sales were in the thousands weekly, what did I do wrong or where was I wrong that took my business down the drain ? 1.- I was in a very suceptible business, risky if you want to see it, animals die, when you sell them by the hundreds a few deaths don 't mean much and when you are really good your death toll is minimal, the risk is there but you can overcome it so that wasn 't it. 2.- Well, since my business was in Mexico but 95% of the fish are imported they have prices in DOLLARS, not pesos and everything is fine if the peso/dollar rate exchange is stable, but hell, this is Mexico and in Mexico s*t happens and it happens in cycles, every X years the mexican government does something stoopid and all hell breaks loose, finantial hell breaks loose, so that helped. 3.- Finantial trubble means that people are not going to be able to pay their bills and their obligations, CC, mortgages, loans, who needs tropical fish when you don 't make enough money to pay your bills ? tropical fish are not a necessity, they are a luxury, something you have when you 've got spare money to burn. During the 1994 mexican finantial debacle and the subsequent years people lost their homes, their vehicles, me ? I lost my business, I didn 't loose money I had the fore sight to save half of my profit and invested it in other finantial mechanisms, but all I worked for so hard went down the drain and that 's what hurt me the most, not the money, the effort. :'( After loosing that business I had some spare money burning a hole in my pocket, money I could invest in another enterprise, yeah I 'm greedy and as long as I have my finances in safe keeping any spare is good for another enterprise. Well, Leon is called by it 's people as the capital city of show manufacturing, the city lives, breathes, dies and smells everything related to shoes. So what could I do to bite a chunk out the wealth ? Tanning ? nope don 't have the money for that, yeah I can purchase the raw material outsource it and turn it into leather or sole, but there 's a problem, the big tanneries give credit to the shoe makers but I simply can 't do that, it 's cash or cash, tanning is out of the question. Shoe making ? with thousands of factories competing with each other I ain 't got the time nor the will to compete with everybody, out of the question. Glue ! every pair of shoes needs a dab of glue, multiply a dab of glue for the thousands and it adds up to cans of glue, hundreds of cans of glue. Had a little money, had a friend I could muscle to sell me the glue cheaper so I started to sell glue by the can, not to the big shoe factories but to the everyday guy that makes a few pairs of shoes on a daily basis. It doesn 't die, you can store it for long periods of time, clients pay you in cash, if the price goes up you win if you have stock. Well, everything went fine and made some good money selling glue by the can until ...... the MF danged chinese shoe came into play >, even with compensatory taxation chinese shoe is cheaper than mexican manufactured shoe, factories closed because they couldn 't compete with the price or factories became importers of chinese shoe, who needs 100 or 1000 employees to run a factory when you can run a warehouse with 10 employees ? oh well, another business that goes sour. :'( But I 'm not going to stay that way, ok I 'm a vet, vet med is what I do so even though I had other businesses I still have my college degree and practice so I can live out of it if things go sour. That 's when I came up with the idea of the tackle store, a friend of mine had a tackle store here and he closed it not because the sales weren 't good, he closed it for personal reasons that had nothing to do with how profitable the store was. I thought: there 's a vacum in the tackle store business, he made good money with the store, can 't I do the same ? The market is here, more people fish than when he had the store, location ? who cares about the location ? if the people know ( and you can advertise ) there 's a TS in town people are going to come no matter where you are. Competition ? I 've got more money to invest than the competition, I 've got more contacts than the competition, I speak English, the competition doesn 't, the competition is two teeny weeny tiny stores one from an accountant that has the store as a hobby and the other one belongs to a guy that sells automotive parts. Knowledge about tackle and feeshin ? I know more than they do. For every question I had an answer that convinced me I had a great opportunity, I could fill the gap easily ...... yeah right : I invested the money in tackle for the store and 3 years later I decided it was time to pack my bags and leave the tackle business for good. Imagine what would be of me, my wife and my children if I didn 't have my college degree and if I hadn 't saved part of my profits and invested them in other things like properties, deposits and foreign currencies. Which is going to be Raul 's next business opportunity ? the cash flow is not good right now but I have a little money to invest ........ food ! people gotta eat ya know.
  21. Do what I do, the nearest BPS is only a two hour flight away. ;D Or like my friend Pedro and I did two months ago, we are already in MacAllen .... how many hours away is San Antonio ? :
  22. Ok, some are not going to believe what I 'm about to say after me bad mouthing them, IF you can find a Kistler Mag TS Crankbait series with Fuji reel seat ( which is a lot easier if you order direct to Kistler, just send them an e-mail asking ) 6 '6" or 7 M I 'm pretty sure you will like it, the blank behaves awesome.
  23. Not really, if you stay within one manufacturer 's IM ratings yes, the higher the modulus the more sensitive and light the rod will be, problem is when you try to compare brand A to brand B from different manufacturer. For ex with Shimano Scimitar is less sensitive and heavier than Clarus or Carbomax, they are less sensitive and light than Compre, Compre is less sensitive and light than Crucial and so on.
  24. Reason why Mom n Pops tackle store are an endangered species that should better be placed as CITES I appendix is because they just can 't compete with the big guys, they can 't compete in capital to make investments in merchandise, they can 't compete in price with the big guys because their purchases just can 't reach the really good discounts in volume and quantity which could make them offer a more competitive price to the consumers, they can 't offer the quantity of products the big guys can, the ammount of cash you need to invest is monstrous. I owned a tackle store not really to make a living out of it, my sources of income are others, I did it for my passion of anything fishing related; I invested 10,000 dollars in merchandise and only purchas 2 of this one, two of that one, one of this, one of that and so on, 10,000 bones is some money anyway you look at it, after 3 years of operation I had to close, why ? BPS is just a click away and BPS has a whole lot more stuff that I could offer, not to mention that it 's impossible to compete with their sales even though I carried their brand.
  25. The same rod you can use to fish jigs, soft plastics & spinnerbaits is not a good grankbait rod in that power & action rating, it 's just too stiff and allow the fish to throw the hooks of a crankbait. A medium power rod allows you a more versatile approach, even though considered by most as a soft rod for jigs, soft plastics & spinnerbaits the rod has plenty of backbone to drive the hook in if you rig your soft plastics right and your hooks are razor sharp all the time; still, the rod is forgiving enough not to pull the hooks of a crank away. If you want to go ahead, get the MH and suddenly you begin to experience fish getting unbottoned when hooked on cranks just remember I told you it was going to happen, ok ?. Rod sensitivity depends on a big bunch of factors, since there 's no standard to measure up things as subjective as sensitivity and because manufacturers use different grades of graphite blends plus different resins used to bond the fibers together it 's difficult to say which rod regardless of it 's IM rating is more sensitive. You simply can not say that IM10 is better from one manufacturer is better than the IM6 from another just because one has more fibers in it. You cannot determine a materials brittleness from modulus, the same applies to strength, or sensitivity. Steel can be heat treated to a high hardness, where it's very brittle, or conversely annealed and softened till it's ductile, yet its modulus remains the same
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