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Everything posted by Raul

  1. In Brazil they have been driving cars with alcohol for a good couple of decades and there isn 't much difference between transporting alcohol and delivering alcohol to gas stations than it is to transport oil and gas. The system is not absolutely oil free, there is a certain percentage of gasoline in the alcohol they use. Another source of fuel can be found in vegetable oil ( biodiesel ) and actually you can produce biodiesel almost out of anything.
  2. Raul


    Looking at the pic in the link: I admit that the flaps look flat, I also admit that I sometimes have more money that brains but ya know, the BaitMonkey made me purchase 4 packs the last time I placed an order of japanese stuff, The conversation went like this: BM.- aren 't you going to purchase some of those ? they look kool ! R.- Yeah they do look kool, but man ...... what ?!? are you out of your friggin mind ?!? ( stoopid question if there ever was one ) , you seen the price on those things ?!? :-? BM.- Hey look ! there 's some videos ! let 's take a look R.- Oh well, if you want so ..... :-/ And before I know it after watching the videos ..... BAM ! I got hooked >
  3. Raul


    Guess who ? ;D Actually here I 'm going to disagree with RW, it 's not similar to the Flapping Hog, same function different approach, the flaps in the FH are flat, the ones in the Dynagone are meaty and heavy similar to the ones you find in the Kinami Nories Bug and Ecogear Bug Ant. It 's pretty good bait with the nasty habit of tearing to pieces in an eyeblink, if you think GYCB baits suck when it comes to durability it 's because you haven 't tried Japanese soft plastic baits, and for the price and availability ...... If you want a Japanese soft plastic bait with more durability than those Dynagones try Ecogear 's Bug Ant, they aren 't exactly cheaper than the Dynagone but they are by far a lot more durable.
  4. Something like this ? :
  5. Exactly, politicians do what the money they get for their campaigns tells them to do, the money says JUMP ! and the politicians ask HOW HIGH ? and nobody in this planet has more money than oil companies, they rule the world with their econopolitical power and as long as we need energy they hold us prisioners. The only language they know and the only thing they care about is money, they have no patriotism, no allegiance, they owe to themsleves and to their shareholders.
  6. There are alternate sources of energy, but the corporate conglomerate of oil companies which also are the leaders in alternate fuel research and development technology will never ever allow the use of other sources of energy until every single drop of oil in the planet has been consumed and they have profited from it, then they will profit on all the research and development of alternate fuel sources they have been keeping locked.
  7. If you are not in a hurry BPS has sales on them every 4-6 months, you save 4-5 dollars per bait.
  8. How about taking the advice from people that have owned almost everything in the market ? Something good around 75, there are a lot of good rods in that price range just don 't ask miracles from them, rods that can do the job. From what I have owned or own I personally like this ones: - The BPS Bionic Blade is quite a good rod in that prace range and you can get it many times dirt cheap. - The Shimano Clarus is also a good rod in that price range, I have 3 myself: 1 H trigger ( flipping/small swimbait rod ) and 2 spinning M ( D-shot rod ), MH ( spinnerbait rod ).
  9. Not me dude, nylon luva here, Trilene Big Game 10-12 pound test.
  10. Hard to achieve such distribution of the coat with a costume, notice the relatively bald areas underneath the arm, behind the knee, the thinning of the coat as it comes near the foot on the back of the leg. Much more consistant with this:
  11. Those little perky reels are great for panfishing and ..... that 's about it, trying to pursue bass with them is more they can take. I don 't mean that the drag won 't be good, or that the reel is going to be trashed to pieces or that they can 't handle bigger fish, it 's just that they just cast like crap, the spool is so narrow and short that the memory the line gets from being coiled in such premises behaves pretty much like a slinky once it 's out of the reel, good reel for 2-4 pound test. If you want a reel for finesse fishing for bass with light line like 6-8 pound test better get a bigger reel or get a Japanese reel with Shallow spool, don 't look at the carrying capacity of the spool, they don 't hold much line after all, it 's the size and shape of the spool what makes those reels cast itsy bitsy baits into the next zip code with little or no line coiling after the line leaves the spool. The Daiwa Revros ( JDM ) is one heck of a shallow spool reel and it costs about 80 dollars. ( one of the best purchased I 've made ).
  12. That 's the quote I always try to look for when people ask about which being better and can never find it. Some parameters can 't be measured, they are as personal as you are, sensitivity is one of them; I swear to God I still can 't feel THAT much difference between the sensitivity of a GLX and an IMX, I can feel the difference in weight but in sensitivity ...... got me on that one. :-/ The rod may have the highest vibration transmission the man can invent and all that goes to the toilet the moment you have it in your hand. There are many that praise the sensitivity of Kistler rods, I own the Mag TS All Purpose and let me tell you ..... to me it feels like if I am wearing surgical gloves on my hands, doesn 't happen the same with my IMX.
  13. The difference is that you simply can 't make a comparison between the characteristics of two materials when there 's no industry standard governing the characteristics the material should have. One manufacturer 's IM6 can be much better than another manufacturer 's IM gazillion. Comparisons between the same manufacturer however are possible, usually the lower end graphite densities in graphite fibers are used in cheaper models and as you go up and the density climbs the rods is more sensitive and light and yes, more expensive. For ex a Clarus is heavier and less sensitive than a Compre, a Compre is heavier and less sensitive than a Crucial.
  14. Yup, that would be me. It 's just a matter of being on the fish ketchin ' business for a loooong time ( man .... I 'm getting old ) , the day I bought my first Sammy all my Spooks in all it 's sizes just went into the tacklebox of lures I no longer use.
  15. Whatever you do DON 'T FISH WITH IT !, it 's a 50 years old reel in mint or NIB condition. How much is worth ? anywhere from 50+ dollars and a collector can pay a lot more than that given the condition, has paperwork, has box, has everything a collector would want. Not bad for a basement finding.
  16. so a graphite/glass blend is better than just fiberglass or just graphite? I didn 't say that :-/ I said that GLoomis Crankbait rods don 't have a single strand of fiberglass in them ( pure graphite ) and they are awsome. I said the Kistler Mag TS Crankbait ( glass/graphite blend ) behaves superbly. So as usual it greatly depends on what you are buying and what information the manufacturer provides you with, some manufacturers like St Croix manufacture pure graphite crankbaits rods and glass crankbait rods, others like Kistler only manufacture glass/graphite composite, others like Shimano manufacture pure graphite only crankbait rods, in that price range look for any of the rods they manufacture in: St Croix.- Premier series ( Glass ) $90-110 Kistler.- Graphite Plus Crankbait ( Glass/Graphite composite ) $140 Shimano.- Compre Crankbait series ( Graphite ) $ 90-100
  17. Back in the old days when dinosaurs roamed the earth yes, fiberglass was better for cranking than graphite, nowdays that no longer applies with new graphite/resin blends, the GLoomis Crankbait series doesn 't have a single strand of fiberglass in it and it 's awesome, Kistler 's Mag TS Crankbait is a glass/graphite blend and the blank behaves superbly. Both rods are featherweight light and extremely sensitive ( which for me is great, that way I can retrieve a bait in the nastiest cover manuevering it through the meleè of limbs and brush ).
  18. Anatomically speaking, all the supposed sightings and the folklore surrounding Big Foot describes the creature as having a stand up position and walking on it 's two feet, only the members of the human family ( hominids ) present ( us ) and extinct can do that, all of them share common characteristics aside the locking mechanism of the knee joint, the length of the arms has the same body vs arm length ratio and the leg length vs the body length is pretty much the same in all the species of hominids, all hominids have a toe in line with the medial plane of the leg otherwise the creature can 't walk for long distances standing on two feet. Apes can walk for short distances on it 's two feet but not for al long time, their own anatomy restricts them from doing so, otherwise they have to walk with arms and legs placing the knucles on the ground. Yup it is a primate, unclassified ? probably not ..... somebody must have left Tarzan 's buddy out of the cage because that looks pretty much like a chimpanzee bent over.
  19. Don 't know what 's worse, an ignorant with s*t for brains saying such nonsense or an idiot with s*t for brains paying attention to the ignorant. The endangered birds of Hawaii are endangered for a big bunch of reasons in which bass have little or nothing to do with it, loss of habitat, feral cats and the Philipine brown snake are the cause of the demise of the native birds, not an ocassional florida strain bass gulping on one of them. Just to ponder, the legislature doesn 't allow Florida strain bass to be stocked but if I remember well, aside from Florida and Puerto Rico, Hawaii is the only other state of the union where you can find ..... PEACOCK BASS ! :.
  20. Reason why I sometimes prefer 2 piece rods, there are many times when I don 't have partner to go fishing and there 's nobody to help me to cartop the tub so I go on foot patrol, problem is that the lakes I go on foot patrol the banks are covered with what sometimes looks like an impenetrable mass of mesquite trees, huizache and cat nail brush, overgrown grass and all sorts of weeds, it 's not easy to walk through all that with a 1 piece rod, with a 2 piece rod is a piece of cake, I just separate the pieces and I 'm ready to move to another spot. In a rod with that quality the difference in sensitivity between a 1 piece and a 2 piece is so small you won 't notice it.
  21. Mojarrear = pan fishing In Spanish, specifically Mexican Spanish the term "mojarra" is applied to any panfish fresh or saltwater that looks like a bluegill or crappie. Crappies, bluegills, tilapias and even some saltwater species with the same or similar body shape are called mojarra generically speaking. It doesn 't describe any species in particular, it only describes that kind of fish which gives you an idea of the shape and size. ( even though a 6 pound Tilapia is anything but small, I 've caught some of them in the 4-6 pound range, but the norm is between 1-2 pounds ).
  22. Listen to the man or you will end up with a mass & mess that looks like anything except for the purty pork you first hooked on your bait. The only reason why I stopped using pork in my baits is that when you live in a climate that 's 2 degrees colder than hell them pork rinds need constant baby sitting or .... after 5 minutes of exposure to the heat ...... >
  23. Ok, here is the e-mail including the colorful remarks in Spanish, actually he 's discussing about a UL spinning rod, but I don 't think there would be that much of a difference, my GL2s spinning and baitcasting behave and feel pretty much the same with the obvious difference the power rating would make between a L a M and a MH. Que paso Tocayo? como andas? Fijate que todavia tengo mi Slicer UL (spinning) y no pienso reemplazarla en el corto plazo. La uso para mojarrear. Sabes por que decidi quedarmela? Simplemente porque se lleva a las St. Croix Premier y a las GL2 en casi todo. Siempre he tenido la idea que el grafito SCII es mas sensible que el GL2, por eso reemplace una GL2 por una Premier para las mojarras. Pero la Slicer es mas sensible y se ve mucho mas chingona que las dos arriba mencionadas. Mi St. Croix Premier mojarrera la vendi desde hace un buen, y es que cuando agarre mis primeras mojarras con la Slicer me sacaba de onda el "strike", pues parecia una lobina de las gordas y luego veia que era una miniatura de agallas azules. Muy chingona esa caña. A decir verdad la siento un poco pesada de la punta, y tengo que ponerle un carrete de los pesados para que se balancee bien. Esa es mi unica objecion, pero por el precio, no encuentras algo mejor. Guias Fuji, asiento del carrete Fuji, blank pintado de azul, puta, que mas puede uno pedir por 1000 varitos? Yo uso de 2 piezas. La verdad que con las uniones "spigot" no veo razon para que yo siga comprando de 1 pieza. Eso de que las de 2 piezas son menos sensibles y no se que mas madres, ya es un pinche mito que lo mantienen vivo los cabrones que todavia usan sus cañas con uniones de aluminio de la decada de los 80's. Yo si recomiendo la Slicer para "iniciarse" en la onda del equipo japones. No va a decepcionar a tu cuate. Casi todas las Major Craft estan en version de 1 o 2 piezas. Pero adviertele bien como esta el pedo...al rato si vende su casa por andar comprando cañas que no nos culpe. Cuidese tocayo! Raul Tecnical languaje: Spigot = male-female connection, he means this: Got a friend that 's hot for a Japanese rod but doesn 't have a lot of money to spend, we looked at the Slicer but without a review from someone who owns one it was difficult to choice, reason why I e-mailed my tocayo. Well, after reading the mail my buddy is ready to jump from the cliff. ;D
  24. Got a friend that has the Slicer, he says that compared to a GLoomis GL2 or St Croix Premier .... hands down on the Slicer, and that a Premier or a GL2 will never look half as good as the Slicer does. This comes from a guy that has a "few" Japanese rods ( like a 600 dollars Presso rod, several Megabass and several Evergreens n 'such ). He also says that the rod with his magnesium reels feels a little tip heavy but that with a regular over 7.5 ounces reel it balances neutral ( same thing I was able to tell when I paired my Mg reels with the Kistler Mag TS ---> slighly tip heavy ). That 's what he told me in the e-mail he sent me ( got if you want to see it, but it 's in Spanish ).
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