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Everything posted by Raul

  1. That supposed to mimick an Amphiuma ?
  2. I 'd do it for free and without anesthesia so he can suffer a little bit but I dob 't think it would help, I have the same opinion, it ain 't gonna go extinct, must be spontaneus generation or some unsolved mystey of the universe, bad karma or an evil spirit placed here on earth to torture us with it 's incesant: mo stuff ! mo stuff ! all day long.
  3. U nutz or sumthin ? He itches, she scratches and one thing leads to another ...... then we would have itsy bitsy teeny tiny BMs all over the place. Bad idea. :
  4. Predators are predators.
  5. That's my point, if you have stories from all of them.....how come you would still buy from them but not Kistler. Just askin' Relax knuckle Dragger,.......(We've never been close) : Read you know who 's reply. I like to try stuff 5BL, the perpetual search for better performing tackle. I still don 't understand why Shimano placed a chessy, cheap, crappy and lousy plastic cap on the tension knob of the old Curado B, for crying out loud, it was a 120 dollars reel !, Or why the cork in my Kistler rods is of much better quality than the one found in any of my GLoomis rods, ok the GL2 but ........ the GLX ? sob, 180 dollars rod with better cork than a 350 dollars rod ..... gimme a danged break !
  6. I support nobody, none of them give me half a penny for saying good things and shutting my mouth when I detect a problem, problem that not only affects me but will also affect somebody else. If you think I don 't bad mouth Shimano, Gloomis, Daiwa, etc. that 's because you haven 't known me long enough to hear me bad mouthing them, got plenty stories about them too.
  7. I admit I have spanked my kid twice in his almost 5 years of age, but man he really asked for it and was more a simbolic gesture than actual beating, how hard the blow can be when he had his rear en protected by a 2 inch thick diaper ?
  8. You think of me like if I were right across the fence from Kistler. Let 's see, shipping from Mexico to the US = 30 dollars, shipping from the US to Mexico = 30 dollars plus 17% of import tax from 180 = 30 dollars so that would make 60 dollars for ever time I send the rod to be replaced until Kistler makes it right. Shipping back and forth from León to Monterrey to the Shimano dealer 7 dollars, no import tax. I can spend 7 dollars in shipping every time until the Shimano dealer makes it right.
  9. How expensive can pliers can be ? 10, 20 bones ?
  10. I knew the subject was going to arise, the difference is, if I happen to get a Shimano rod with a bad reel seat I just send the rod and they 'll give me another one at no cost and if the replacement happens to have the same problem well I can send it again and I 'll keep doing the same until they make it right.
  11. What I find to be the most fascinating fact when these kind of discussion arises is that everybody suggests to cut the line and leave the hook there. Why nobody suggests to cut the hook with your pliers and remove both pieces ? C 'mon, how much can a hook be worth ? You ain 't gonna go bankrupt for loosing a 1 dollar hook ( that 's is you are using expensive ones ) are you ?
  12. You paid your fishing license didn 't you ? legally speaking the fish is yours so you can pretty much do with it what you want. Is the fish of legal size ? if it 's legal size keeper you can pretty much do with the fish what you want, if it 's not legal size then you MUST unhook the fish and return it, if it survives good, if it doesn 't survive too bad but you did obey the law or regulation. For starters fishing is a bloody sport, if you don 't want to be confronted with "ethical" delimmas like keeping the fish or returning it to the water just don 't fish, if you choose to continue in the sport and as long as you obey the law there 's no "ethics" involved. Ethical behavior is not abusing of the priviledge to fish on a regular basis.
  13. Like usual, which one is best depends greatly on many factors, one of the most important ones is type and ammount of cover where you fish mostly, I can shakey head in a couple of my hometown lakes with a UL rod but doing the same in another of my hometown lakes is simply put, pushing it. So I shake with a MH rod when I 'm there. If I had to choose 1 rod alone for such purpose I would most probably choose the one RW suggested.
  14. See if the guy selling the Rapalas has some Shallow Running Fat Raps at a good price, those are also discontinued for a long time, those are auctioning for 25 and more dollars now.
  15. Yup, those been discontinued around 2000, went to St Louis in 2001 and saw them in a clearance bin at BPS, $2.00 a piece , had to stuff in, then went back to BPS ( now DFW ) in 2002, saw them again in the cleance bin, not even in the bass fishing section ( they were right next to the door that goes from the store to the boat show place, well, I was already there ya know , stuffed up some more, must have a good couple hundred of them in their boxes ( those don 't count for the crankbait count ). Turns out to be now that they are selling for around 8 dollars a piece and even more. I do fish the ones that are not in box, got replacements. ;D
  16. Yup, I kid you not, it 's been discontinued for a good couple of years, there will still be plenty left so it 's not worth much right now but the point is, you already have it. The other one is not worth much either without the box, the original Rapala Minnow even though the one you have is old is still mainstream. But what gives it sentimental value is that it belonged to your dad and it 's still in good condition. Don 't change the hooks ( it adds panàge ) buff it up with a chamois and time to get one of those lure hangers so you can show your collection of vintage or strange lures.
  17. Unless you got a replacement for it I wouldn 't go fishing with that Mini Fat Rap, collector 's item dude.
  18. The ones on the left are also made in Finland, can 't remember the name of the company right now, I have to see ones I 've got, they have the brand molded in on the lip. The ones of the right group most definately not.
  19. I never said they were junk , I 've been saying since the day I fished with them that the reel seat is junk. I like the blank, I like the design but hate the reel seat. I think that a responsible manufacturer like Kistler in this particular case should have been more finicky with the reel seat he selected for the series, man, if I 'm going to make hundreds of rods ( potentially hundreds of claims and problems ) I have be shure that the components are not Ok but PERFECT, heck, make 3-4-5-10 test rods and test the components, instead of looking at the balance sheet of the company you should check the most important thing of all which in ultimate instance is going to be reflected in the same balance sheet of the company you looked at first when you made the decision based on dollars and cents. If all you care about is money look at it this way: 1.- Ok I sold two rods to Raul and made cash in the process 2.- I didn 't know Raul was so danged finicky 3.- Raul tells everbody he knows he is not satisfied with my product 4.- So Raul is scaring away potential customers 5.- I have lost not only with Raul, I sold him 2 rods, but he is never going to purchase me more rods and I loose all the potential customers I could have made. For me the deal is simple: I don 't care how much you are saving purchasing reel seats from X instead of Y, if purchasing reel seats from Y costs you 1,2,3 or 10 dollars more per rod I 'd rather have you charging me those 10 dollars in the price and you know what ? I WILL GLADLY PAY THEM. 10 dollars more is cheap for all the trouble I 'm making for YOUR FAULT. You are in the business of making rods, I am not, I don 't make a living out of making rods, you make a living with MY money.
  20. "Those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it." Weellllll, I do know the story and I can assure you I won 't repeat it, will never purchase a Kistler again. And if there 's any doubt I do have the rods:
  21. Raul


    Awwww maaaaan ! I thought Glenn was gonna give us some cookies for those of us who stay logged in all day long. :-[ Guess I was wrong. :-/
  22. Dang ! that 's the word I skipped: LIMITED, how can LIMITED the warranty can be in a brand new rod on which THEY, not me ( for crying out loud ) glued a cheesy reel seat. I didn 't choose the danged reel seat, I chose to purchase their rods. I ain 't asking to replace a broken rod for free.
  23. Do you guys think I should ask for mine ...... that would make four rolls of tape, wonderin ' how much tape I will need that will last a lifetime.
  24. Something like this ?:
  25. EXACTLY !!!!! that 's what infuriates me the most >, there you are just out of bed still in a semi comatose state, you go to the bathroom, take a leak ....... then face the mirror, oh boy !, after you looking at your face on the mirror definately know how creatures from the underworld must look like, grab the menthol scented shaving creme and distribute it on your face, grab the blade, place it in position on your face and pull ......... holy s*t !!!!, son of a ***** !!!!!, #$"%&)!!!!!!!!!!!! , man that hurts !!!!! and with mentol shaving creme it 's quite a wakening experience. And then the ball & chain comes and gives you THE LOOK ( in the best case ) for wakening her up with all that screaming you just made. I tell you, the hair removal thing is worth every single penny you are going to pay for it.
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