I never said they were junk , I 've been saying since the day I fished with them that the reel seat is junk. I like the blank, I like the design but hate the reel seat.
I think that a responsible manufacturer like Kistler in this particular case should have been more finicky with the reel seat he selected for the series, man, if I 'm going to make hundreds of rods ( potentially hundreds of claims and problems ) I have be shure that the components are not Ok but PERFECT, heck, make 3-4-5-10 test rods and test the components, instead of looking at the balance sheet of the company you should check the most important thing of all which in ultimate instance is going to be reflected in the same balance sheet of the company you looked at first when you made the decision based on dollars and cents.
If all you care about is money look at it this way:
1.- Ok I sold two rods to Raul and made cash in the process
2.- I didn 't know Raul was so danged finicky
3.- Raul tells everbody he knows he is not satisfied with my product
4.- So Raul is scaring away potential customers
5.- I have lost not only with Raul, I sold him 2 rods, but he is never going to purchase me more rods and I loose all the potential customers I could have made.
For me the deal is simple: I don 't care how much you are saving purchasing reel seats from X instead of Y, if purchasing reel seats from Y costs you 1,2,3 or 10 dollars more per rod I 'd rather have you charging me those 10 dollars in the price and you know what ? I WILL GLADLY PAY THEM. 10 dollars more is cheap for all the trouble I 'm making for YOUR FAULT.
You are in the business of making rods, I am not, I don 't make a living out of making rods, you make a living with MY money.