Forage base matters little, what you need is to have the assortment of lures:
1.- Soft plastic baits
2.- Jigs
3.- Spinnerbaits
4.- Crankbaits
The main bass forage in Mexico are in this order: Tilapia, Carp, Bluegills, minnows, shiners, crawfish, frogs, insects, mud dogs.
So, in theory I should pick lures that mimic tilapia or carp, but bass don 't read no bass fishing books nor watch DVDs and videos, bass don 't know that they should only strike tilapia or carp imitating lures.
I don 't believe in "match the hatch" theory, why ? cuz spinnerbaits don 't look like anything a bass could eat in nature and they catch fish, cuz I catch fish with trout imitating lures ( most bass here have never seen a trout ); I know bass are bass here and all around the world, I know that as long as the bait looks and moves like if it 's alive ( not that it looks to what the fish have as forage base ) and an easy prey bass will strike it.