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Everything posted by Raul

  1. You can rig them in every way you can rig a soft plastic.
  2. Falcon binders get another vote here.
  3. Most of my biggest bass have been caught between 1 and 5 PM under bright sunlight and the scorching heat of mid day ( that down here can get to 110° ).
  4. Not entirely true, private lakes if fished heavily can become extremely challenging.
  5. A pond where women take off their clothes. J/K Strip pond is into what an old quarry becomes after it 's been abandoned, it usually gets filled with rain or spring water over the years and becomes a pond.
  6. In my experience all baits ( cranks, plastics, spinnerbaits, topwaters, etc ) work on all lakes, some baits and some presentations perform better in certain lakes under certain circumstances and perform fair or poorly on others under the same circumstances. Baits are universal, applications can vary depending upon lake make over.
  7. This works, my dad stuck his PB on a 3/4 oz jig with a Brush Hog as a trailer, I gave him a hard time until he got his PB and the big fish of the night. There 's Raul, Moses and the Compadre at La Pólvora, Raul grabs a 3/4 oz jig, hooks a Brush Hog as a trailer. Moses.- "Do they bite THAT thing ?" :-? Compadre.- "Isn 't it a bit LARGE ?" Raul.- Yup, they do bite THIS thing Moses, my dear compadre that 's exactly the idea. Raul makes a beeutiful underarm cast to a reely fishy lookin spot, the bait flies through the air under a branch, lands and begins to sink, touches bottom, Raul lifts the rod and hops the bait a couple of times and a few minutes later Raul lands a 6 pounder. Moses and the Compadre ---->
  8. when is it considered fall Got me on that one skipper.
  9. Add a Brush Hog as trailer, now that 's what a call a really big bait.
  10. Now that 's more likely.
  11. The biggest northern strain LMB I 've ever seen was a 6 kilos ( 13.2 lbs ) female we had in a pond in the state aquaculture center.
  12. I don 't fish by "luck", my best producer is that old Rapala Shad Rap SR7SD I 've fished with for more than 20 years, don 't ask me what 's so special about it, it 's all beat up and it still catches fish.
  13. Got a passport ? who cares about Falcon or Amistad, the grass is greener at Sugar Lake and it 's just across the border, less than hour drive from MacAllen, TX.
  14. All of them.
  15. Thanks for the info. What is the advantage you like for the tip heavy spinning set up?? I cast differently with spinning than with bcs, with BCs I swing the forearm with no movement on the wrist, with spinning reels I cast with the wrist movement, being heavier at the tip the rod whips easily. Casting distance has very little effect by the balance.
  16. Instead of asking what "you should" better balance it the way YOU like it, no way is right and no way is wrong, it 's a matter of personal preference, I like neutral balance in my BC setups and prefer tip heavy (forward balance ) on my spinning setups.
  17. Better having the muscle and not needing it than needing it and not having it.
  18. What "secret" baits ? :-? Baits are not secret, I think that aside from a few strange ( like those Gatta X I 've got ) or uncommon/ poorly known baits ( like those Mojo Salty Reefers I 've fished for over a decade ) we all have pretty much the same baits in our tackle boxes. You watching what I 've got tied doesn 't give any advantage to you over me if you are not fishing them where and how I fish them and even if I told you where and how you ain 't me behind the rod handle. "Secret" baits, yeah right : It ain 't the wand, it 's the magician.
  19. Crankbait Spinnerbait T tigged worm or creature Jig n 'trailer
  20. X2 IMHO To me flipping means flipping a bait to a real nasty tuff submerged mesquite tree or huizache brush or in between an almost impenetrable tule bed and for ripping them from those you need a lot of muscle.
  21. CHICCKEEEEN !!!!!! U afraid of her ? be a man, not a wuzz ! ( thankfully mine ain 't around or --------> :-X ) C'mon Amigo, you gotta give the guy props for having the forethought to launder the purchase,....I smell a real fisherman here folks .... Thanks LBH, you have to do what you have to do. So that means you are already convinced and willing to live on a diet of Ramen Noodles, beef jerky and Twinkies ? If the answer is positive then Ole Banana Breath has achieved another victory. Gentlemen, I knew, the force is strong with this one.
  22. Dude ...... PLEEZ !!!!: :
  23. For the better part of my life I 've fished cranks with a Med Fast graphite rod, then last year I purchased my very first bait specific rod, a Kistler Mag TS crankbait series ( glass/graphite composite ), the difference in casting and behavior of the blank during the fight is completely different than that of the rods I normally use for crankbaiting RW. You know that I 'm not fond to trying other brands, yes the rod had ergonomical issues ( I HATE humpgrips ! ) plus the reel seat issues ( which are now corrected in the newer models ), however I have to say that I really liked how the blank behaved in that rod, another world RW, when you cast with the crankbait rod the blank feels as a spring as it releases the load begining at the mid section and ending up at the tip pretty much like a whip, the crank goes flying into the air like a bat out of hell, I felt a more lively action from the bait as I retrieved and worked it and when a fish gets the bait and begins the fight the rod responds like a shock absorber bending all the way down to the middle section. Well, I ain 't gonna purchase another Kistler after selling that one, but there are other brands which are more ergonomically fit for me ( with straight handles ), after trying that one now I know why crankbait rods are for crankbaits, gotta get me at least one.
  24. Yeah, right :. Gas price went up down here too.
  25. The man is a connoseur of Ramen Noodles, pay attention to him. ;D How 'bout them Twinkies ? I like vanilla , cheap, tasty and nutritious. Now looking at it with more detail ....... the man is from Illinois, that explains a lot, we us guyz down here in the south don 't have 20 bucks lunches, we 's too busy fishin ', a pack of jerky, a can of sausages, twinkies, ramen noodles and that 's about it to survive until you get home for dinner ...... well that is if the bite ain 't good, if it 's good then maybe we can stay for some night fishing and skip the dinner.
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