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Everything posted by Raul

  1. BaitMonkey economics 101.- It don 't matter if you can go fishing or not, you can still purchase tackle. You not going fishing is environmentally friendly, you don 't burn gas going to the lake, don 't burn gas running up and down the lake, don 't burn gas ---> no greenhouse effect gases emited. You don 't burn gas it means you got XTRA $$$$$ you can burn in tackle. Purchasing tackle, it don 't matter if you "need it" or you can fish with it maintains the tackle industry healthy ( jobs ) and all that comes with it ( shipping fares which means you are contributing with jobs ), so it 's PATRIOTIC DUTY to purchase tackle to keep those jobs running. Should I go on teechin ' you on the economic effects of BaitMonekyitis ?
  2. My man, many breakthroughs in bass fishing bave occured by accident, chance, luck or by inquisitive minds that ask "what if ?" Gotta understand that fish can react positively or negatively, bait works or doesn 't work, but not working today doesn 't mean it won 't work tommorrow. Holes in a buzzbait blade ? I don 't see any reason why they wouldn 't work. You drill holes in the blade two things can happen: 1.- Bait doesn 't run properly, oh well, you screwed up a buzzbait, it ain 't that much of a deal, you "lost" a couple of bucks. 2.- Did the job right, bait runs properly and because it emits different vibration, has different pitch or whatever then it may work or not, the only way to know is to try, simple. A dude was having breakfast while fishing, drops accidentaly his spoon into the lake, a fish bites it as it flutters down to the bottom and the Daredevil spoon was born.
  3. That would apply to stripper fishing.
  4. I 've fished with straight tail worms for the better part of my life, first with Mann 's Jelly Worms and when I ran out of them with Zoom Trickworms, if they didn 't work I wouldn 't be fishing with them for more than a couple of decades. Which color ? choose the color you like, I 've caught fish with all the colors I have ( that would make about 30 colors, yup, I 'm a sucker for pretty colored baits ). Most effective method: any way you want to rig them, rigging method depends on application.
  5. Tackle Tour is only expressing the opinion of the person writing the review, to that person it works that way, it ain 't the gospel, it 's just his opinion, in other words, you have to try with several until you find the one that tickles your fancy.
  6. In theory color like black, black/red, black blue stand out against the background and the fish can see them, that 's what theory says, in practice it doesn 't matter much, it 's more important the vibration the bait emits, I 've caught fish with about any spinnerbait color at night.
  7. Matt, I do not belive in "match the hatch", I believe that as long as the bait works well, has a natural motion and gives away the good vibes ( like your baits ), in other words, good quality baits, you will catch fish if you fish it properly. How many times my friend have I said: in most of the places I fish bass have never seen a trout and will never see one and still, trout patterned and trout shaped baits catch fish.
  8. Better spend well once and for all than spending several times over: It looks like a Hud :-? Oh boy ! it 's priced one third of a Hud I 'm gonna get it ! Yeah, but it ain 't a Hud and if you expect it to perform like a Hud you should have purchased a Hud in the first place. Bad investment. Now there are a lot of good baits in the $15-$30 dollar range Yeah, somehow Mattlures pop into my mind right away into that price range.
  9. The Castaic and the Core don 't have Flipping switch, they have Instagage system, to engage the spool all you have to do is to push up the button, no need to turn the handle, very different from a flipping switch. Some of my old Abus have flipping switch, I think I 've used it maybe 20 times in all the years I 've owned them.
  10. The same line I use for almost everything: Trilene Big Game, for swimbaiting 17 lbs test.
  11. Don 't ask .... if you think you have a problem don 't ask me about it, I blew my last functional brain cell the day I purchased my first Megabass lure, strangely, now a 15 dollars bait doesn 't look THAT "expensive" .
  12. Old habits die hard , huh ?
  13. Translation: cast to anything you can cast to with everything you 've got at hand including the kitchen sink, by the time you figure out what they 're biting better it 's time to pack your bags and go home. Tomorrow ? tomorrow is another day and what happened today will be what happened yesterday, so you gotta start all over again.
  14. That 's exactly what I explained to her, too much money for the same thing, she didn 't like it very much but what else could I do, she has never worked and doesn 't know how hard it is to earn a buck ( she knows how to spend it .... if done several times even better ), besides, why would I sell what I 've already got paid in full plus add my other possesions to purchase what I 've already got, it makes no sense, finantial suicide to please her ? no way Jos é; she wants us to live in the States ? no problem with me, but where I say.
  15. You can purchase Shimano reel grease as easily as you can purchase Hot Sauce. Actually and now that you mention it, no manufacturer I 've purchased reels from ( Shimano, Daiwa and Abu ) has given me reel grease for that matter, reel oil yes ( and not in every model ), reel grease, nope.
  16. The saga of upgrading fishing gear is at it 's start. ;D Look at it this way, in the extreme case ...... you can live with only one kidney.
  17. In the following order: 1.- Trilene Big Game 2.- Trilene XL or XT 3.- PowerPro ( yeah guys, you read right, Raul does use braided line ocassionally ) It doesn 't depend on what bait I 'm fishing but to at what and where I 'm fishing.
  18. Decaying vegetation will have a negative effect on the oxygen content, true cold water holds more oxygen than warm water, but that is as long as there 's nobody comsuming it, in the case of decaying vegetation bacteria consume the oxygen. The example or comparison of rotting veggies is not entirely accurate, heat produced by rotting veggies occurs in specific conditions and if such conditions could exist at any given moment in a body of water the ammount of heat produced by the process is not enough to increase the water temp significantly, you can feel the heat from rotting veggies because it heats the air around it, but water is 850 times denser than air.
  19. It 's only the beginning.
  20. Pretty expensive dirt I may say, when me and my wife discussed the possibility of moving to the States I knew immediately where her thoughts were heading, I understand that she would like us to move to Cali ( all her close relatives are there ), not that I don 't get along with them, on the contrary, one of her uncles is very dear to me and we have a lot in common ( fishing, camping, gardening n 'such ) but the problems I saw were: 1.- It 's in Cali and certainly I wouldn 't want to wake up one morning and find out that my home just slid into the Pacific Ocean and now I 'm living in an island. 2.- Where she 's from it 's too danged cold for me, if it ain 't cold it 's rainy :, if it ain 't rainy then it 's foggy :, if it 's sunny then it ain 't warm nuff :-/ and for a sun/heat loving critter like me that ain 't exactly my kinda climate. 3.- The prices of the homes is just plain obscene, if I sold all my properties here and a house I 've got in MacAllen I couldn 't purchase a room at Cali home prices. The last time I visited her uncle 's house I asked him how much he paid for it ( simple curiosity ) and he told me that over 300 grand , s*t man, that 's a truckload of money !, ( the only good things I see are: that it 's close to the sea, close to Lopez Lake and close to Tackle Warehouse ) their home is about the same size of my TX house ( which is Close to Falcon Lake, Sugar Lake, Vicente Guerrero Lake, Padre Island, Academy Sports a stone cast away, etc, etc. ) and I didn 't pay THAT much for it. My idea of progress is to have more, not to have less for the same money. 4.- It 's too far away from anything and everybody ( my family ), the closest airport to travel to Mexico to visit my mom is LA and that is a 7 or 8 hours drive, man I can be at my mom 's house in that time. So after carefully explaining the situation to her we decided that we gonna stay here in Mexico for the time being.
  21. The ammount of oxygen content is inversly proportional to water temperature, in other words, warm water can hold less oxygen ( in PPM ) than cold water.
  22. You must have bad karma my man, I 've never purchased any Sheemano product on any store right there on the flesh, I 've always purchased them unseen and untried from on-line sources and never ever had any problem with them.
  23. I don 't get it why homes are so expensive in Cali, same sq footage in Cali costs 3 times more than in TX.
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