My man, mark this words in your mind:
Crankbaiting is a contact sport
If you are not fishing them where they can get hung up in an eyeblink you are not fishing them where the fish are. Now the catch is to learn how to manuever the bait through that cover and not hanging up all the time, I didn 't say not hanging up at all, ok ? I said, not hanging up all the time, so that means that you will ocassionally get hung up, it takes time to learn how to manuever the crank and you will get hung up oftenly but with practice you learn.
First of all, dude, pleez ......... take a look at the label !:
1.- there it says if the bait is a sinker, a floater or a suspending bait, now knowing what you 've got it 's easier to know what can you expect and what the bait is good for.
2.- The diving depth of the bait is there
Sinkers sink, all right ? you may say that 's stupid to say that sinkers sink so what 's the big deal about sinkers sinking ? the rate of fall at which the sinker sinks, and why it 's so important ? cuz knowing at what speed ( ft/sec) the bait sinks you can use the rate of fall as tool and what probably didn 't look at as such a bright idea, like throwing a lipless crank ( which most of them sink and are snag magnets ) at a
brushpile you knowing at which speed it sinks now you can cast the bait and the bait doesn 't snag, knowing the sink rate brings another use for the tool.
Floaters float all right ? but some float ( rise ) faster than others, fat bodied baits float faster than flat bodied baits, so what works well on fat bodied baits works well for flat bodied but .... at a slower pace. So what 's the difference ? well, in the snaggy aspect of the sport it means that if you stop reeling in when you feel the bait is hanging up if you are fishing a fat bait the bait rises fast clearing the obstacle, do the same with a flat/thin bait and you 'll have to wait a longer period of time before the bait has cleared the obstacle; on the other hand, just like knowing the rate of fall helps you to work a sinker bait more efficiently so does knowing that a fatty bait rises faster than a slimy bait. You can twitch more times a slimmy bait while it 's rising than a fatty while almost maintaining the diving depth, which means that the fish will have more time to be attracted by the bait.
Suspending baits suspend, well, in theory they suspend, suspending baits supend at a certain depth if the water temperature is the correct one for that bait, it means that normally they don 't suspend but rise at a very slow rate, hat 's important from the snaggy side of the sport, it means that if you feel that bait is going to snag you better stop reeling in right away and that you can take a nap before the bait rises to a level where it can clear the obstacle.
Also, get a plug knocker, crankbaiting without a plug knocker at hand is just plain dumb finantially.