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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Not exactly a tail per se, it comes with an interchangeable prop/blade.tail.
  2. That 's what I 've ben saying my buddies about the Dead or Alive and the reason why my other big baits haven 't seen much action, what for ? I 'vee been slamming them with the Daiwa now that I 'm back into activity.
  3. Any color is fine as long as it is black.
  4. What are you going to do, grab the bait with the hand and throw it out into the water ? your rod can 't handle properly a 2 oz bait.
  5. 12 sounds line good round number.
  6. Why weightless ? it 's gonna take kinda like forever to sink, better yet, a weighted hook ( 1/32 -1/16 oz ) and let it the bait sink till it hits the 25 ft mark which is gonna happen a lot faster than letting it sink without a weight.
  7. Ok, let 's go step by step here: 1.- Open n 'lift the hood, is the injun in the compartment ? if it is then it ain 't an injun problem, it it ain 't then you need an injun to start with. 2.- Is the battery in the compartment ? if it is then it ain 't a battery problem, check that vrything is connected to the battery n 'crank that sucker. 3.- Are the wheels n 'tires where they supposed to be ? well, if they are then there ain 't the problem, check if the tires got some air, if not then put some air in them and it 's ready to roll. 4.- Are the shock absorbers in place ? Kidding aside, I 'm the least mechanically inclined person in the face of the planet, whenever I have a little trubble with them white man 's inventions called vehicles I just open the hood and stare at the injun while I scratch my head, yeah, like if that would solve anything at all :.
  8. Ok, RW gives all the bad news, me ? ah no siree: cheer up !, a lil good music ain 't gonna kill you and who knows, maybe cheer you up and go wetting them lines. .
  9. Why "or" ? it 's "and".
  10. I know what you mean, you got the MH thinking it would be the one, and then you find out that with a max cap of 3 oz you are barely scratching the surface. S*t like that happens my man. You can put it for sale at the flea market and then get a H or XH.
  11. I have it, can 't give any positive nor negative comments on it cuz ........ I 've only tried it once to see how it moved, not really fished with it in depth, it moves cool, makes a good wake but that 's about what I can say, been busy ketchin ' them with Daiwa 's Dead or Alive.
  12. Here 's the deal, the rod being MH, H or H cost the same don 't they ? well if they cost the same why not getting a rod that can handle the most weights regardless of whomever fishes with what. Okuma 7'11" MH ---> 3/4 - 3 oz Okuma 7'11" H ----> 1 - 6 oz Okuma 7'11" XH ---> 2 -10 oz You really don 't need a "swimbait" rod to cast a 3/4 oz swimbait, any regular MH rod can cast it, nor you need a "swimbait" rod than can cast a 1 oz bait, any regular H rod can cast it, the problem begins when you want to cast bigger than 1 1/2 oz. If I were to get me a swimbait rod like right now looking at what swimbaits I have I would spend in a rod that will allow me to fish what I 've got and still have a little extra weight capacity in case I want to purchase some heavier baits, my pick would be the Okuma 7 '11" H.
  13. If I were to purchase me a new big bait combo without getting broke in the process I would certainly look into those Okuma big bait rods ( $109 ) and a Simano Cardiff ( $109 ).
  14. Bad karma ? :-?
  15. It ain 't the wand but the magician where the magic is.
  16. Oh yeah, those Daiwa reels suck, they are POS, junk, no better than the dirt I 'm standing on, gotta see what I can do with the 10 Daiwa reels I have.
  17. 13'6", 590 lbs marlin
  18. I don 't see no reason why you can 't ...... well, in case he ain 't bigger than you.
  19. I have to agree with the sheriff here, I 've been fishing for more than three and a half decades, never lost a fish due to line breakeage even when I fish them tuff submerged mesquite trees and huizache brush.
  20. That is the G-Tail ringer my friend, very good indeed. I bought some packs last year at Academy, they are the closest thing to a favorite bait of mine ( Ecogear 's Paramax ).
  21. Ding-ding, we have another winner here.
  22. And they have Florida Strain bass and Smallmouth.
  23. You may have all the confidence and patience in the world but if are not going to catch you fish.
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