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Everything posted by Raul

  1. It depends on how you store it, I purchase 10 and 12 lbs test ( the ones I use the most ) in lb spools. Stored in a cool, relatively moist and dark place it lasts for years.
  2. I think they are great, however, I see them as a "solution" to a problem that has no real solution because it 's application would be limited to when and if the water clarity is such that it allows you to see what 's underwater. If the place you fish is crystal clear all the time why not, otherwise, spend your money in something else ( like a 3D side image depth finder ) with more applications.
  3. Yes, as long as you don 't snap it to the split ring on the bait, snapping to the split ring creates a double joint, your bait wobbles to one side when it 's supposed to wobble to the other and when it 's supposed to wobble to it doesn 't wobble. Snap/swivel combinations are a must when you fish with in-line spinners, specially when you fish with spinning gear, the line twist is terrible.
  4. Plano 3700 in all it 's variants.
  5. GLoomis CR71+ Daiwa Liberto Pixy = FUN !!!!
  6. That 's my boy.
  7. Yes it is hard to remove it once glued, but you don 't do that like every month, my friend Pedro glued artificial turf to his boat about 15 years ago and by the time we removed it was still in pretty good shape, the only reason to unglue was that he was doing some upgrades to the boat that required the removal of it. But actually it wasn 't that hard at all, more like time consuming rather than hard, with patience, time and a good glue solvent it came out quite easily.
  8. Cut the crap, you need BOTH, now it 's only a matter of deciding which one you 'll purchase first.
  9. Like I 've said, that rattlin sound you hear 4 freet from you ain 't exactly that Rat L-Trap you got tied at the end of your line. Having the blessing of being able to feesh year round has some drawbacks, rattlesnakes, fire ants, scorpions, bumblebees, africanized honey bees, wasps, them hairy catterpillars and thorny vegetation ..... comes with the territory.
  10. My man, your best and most expensive rod has to be your worm/jig rod and with $100-$175 that ain 't gonna happen.
  11. Yeah, weird isn 't it ? it 's been chilly and windy down here too, what are we gonna do ? we ain 't used to fish 75° degree weaher.
  12. I have nothing to say on the subject.
  13. The tongue teeth patch presence is not an entirely accurate way to differentiate spots from LMBs, 25% of the LMB population have a tongue teeth patch.
  14. For foot patrol: For the boat 2 of these: and
  15. One my favorite suspending cranks is the Shad Rap RS, what crank you can have that stays at the desired depth for the longest period of time posible ? a suspending crank, it stays where you want it ( in theory ) indefinately. There are times when you want the bait to stay the most time posible at places and/or at depths where you can 't make any other bait stay for extended periods of time, for example: 1.- when the fish are not into active mood but you can catch them just by dangling, twitching and ripping the bait long enough to make them curious, angry or "hey, what the heck, it looks edible, I 'm not hungry but, oh well, a snack ain 't goona hurt me". If you dangle the bait on their face for long enough in most cases you 'll catch them, it 's only a matter of patience. 2.- when the fish suspend and your other baits don 't stay long enough for the fish to get interested in them or they suspend at depths where other methods of presenting baits are almost out of the question ( you ain 't gonna dropshot with a 20 ft leader are you ? ). Those are the kinds of situations where a bait that suspends comes into play and suspending crankbaits are great for that.
  16. YUCK !!!!!!!! it ain 't pretty ........... to say the least.
  17. I don 't care who you are, that 's too danged funny ! ;D Kiddo, no problem, on the contrary, recognizing your mistakes and taking responsibility from them is something to be taken in consideration and speaks highly about the kind of person you are.
  18. I visualize poppers as baits to be fished "next to or on top of", next to a weedbed, next to a grass patch, next to a stump, next to a cliff and so on, on top of a submerged weedbed, on top of a hump, on top of a submerged tree, places where the fish will hide to ambush whatever may pass by. How fast or how slow really depends on the conditions, if it 's windy and the water surface has ripples on it I prefer faster retrieves, plop, plop, plop, wait a few seconds and plop plop plop againg, while on calm days or when fishing the glass I prefer very slow and with less emphasis on the way I snap my wrist, pleep pleep and wait 20, 30 seconds or more, pleep pleep and waiting again. At what time of the day ? many people think of topwaters as dawn and dusk baits, nothing can be farher from the truth, I fish it in them middle of the day with bright sunlight with lots of success.
  19. Yamamoto manufactured a tail less grub for the JDM, if I 'm not wrong it 's 1 1/2 inch long, man it 's a killa bait ! Don 't have a pic at hand right now, but let me take one from the ones I got to post it.
  20. ;D ;D ;D Well, let 's look at it this way, the Colorado River managed to carve out the Grand Canyon, it was only a matter of time, let 's see if I have the same ammount of patience.
  21. My dear friend Kent would not be the most loved and popular guy around in that position, why ? 1.- he take no crap from nobody ! 2.- he speaks his mind, if you like what he says ---> fine !, you don 't like what he says ---> fine ! 3.- he don 't s*t around 4.- he tells you the truth wether you like it or not 5.- he 's bluntly and brutally honest In other words, he ain 't got politician wood, to be a good politician you gotta be a good cheater, take crap, s*t around, lie and be dishonest.
  22. Now, that can be solved easily ----> move the remaining games to Florida !.
  23. Don 't know 'bout you guys but I pass on worms for bass fishing, it 's not because I look down on people who use bait for bass fishing, I recognize that it 's just another fishing technique however where I 'm at fishing with worms for bass is out of the question, if I were to go fishing for bass with worms the only thing I would catch all day long would be ......... bluegills ! Now tell me let 's go bluegill fishing and I 'll dig up the worms gladly.
  24. Man you really like to argument without a base, not all monos are equal, let alone quality but characteristics and properties differ from one to another, to exemplify: XL, Big Game and XT are all mono but they are not the same, the properties of each are unique to each that what makes one better suited for certain applications and for certain circumstances than the other, I keep saying to you: the RIGHT TYPE and you keep argumenting, you only prove to us your own lack of knowledge or experience on a subject that has lots of twists and catches to it.
  25. From your signature ( apparently you don 't practice what you preach : )Listen closely to what they're saying! From Bassmasters Magazine March 2008 Article 10 Bad Mistakes Bassers Make: THEY DON 'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS. So what does Van Dam think the average fisherman could do better ? "I see a real lack of attention to the details" KVD says. " they don 't replace the factory hooks on a crankbait, they don 't change their line enough, they think, 'Well, I should have 14 lb test for that crankbait, but 10 will work'. They 'll throw a 1/4 ouncs shakey head in shallow water when they know they should switch to a 1/8 ounce. They throw a white spinnerbait in clear water when they know they 'll probably get more bites with a transluscent shad patterns." The same can be applied in this case.
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