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Everything posted by Raul

  1. It depends on the type of wood, trees like willows last for a good couple of decades, trees like mesquite ( a lot harder than willows ) last twice as much as willows. The lake I fish the most was built in the late 60 's ( no land clearing ), I 've been fishing that lake for more than two and a half decades and the willows are still there, mesquites still have most of their branches. What rotted relatively fast ( in about a decade ) was the huizache brush leaving only the trees.
  2. Bass hear sound vibrations with their inner ear, bass feel water diplacement waves with their lateral lines. The lateral line is not connected to the sense of sound, the lateral line detects water displacement in the form of waves through specialized cells which are ciliated at the bottom of a pit which is connected to the exterior by a hole on the scales imediately above the piy, this pit is filled with a jelly; the jelly is compressed by the water wave, this compression then compresses the cilia on the cells which are in reality pressure detectors connected to the CNS, the fish knows how far, how fast and from where the pressure wave is coming thus knowing where the "prey" is located in relation to them. The fatter the "prey" the greater hydrodinamic signature ( water displacement wave ) it has. So how does all this scientific ( physiological and anatomic ) data applies in the real world ? Know your prey and you 'll be one step closer to catching them If you know that bass can not only hear but it can also feel your bait you are closer to choose the better bait depending upon conditions, in murky/muddy water or low light conditions where fish can 't see the bait well you have to select baits that do a better job, for ex, you select baits with: 1.- Rattles 2.- Strong hydrodynamic signature ----> fat 3.- A combination of both properties.
  3. I 've got the reel, used to have a Kistler MagTS MGAPS66MH, nope, didn 't like it ( reels seat issues, ergonomic issues ). :-/ Chronarch Mg + GLoomis ( choose your poison on length and grade ) = Match made in heaven
  4. No sir, you are wrong, I 've said that I 've caught a lot more smaller fish on hard swimbaits than larger fish. I mention smaller baits a lot, why ? cuz when everybody asks about which swimbaits should they get not everybody is willing to pop 50 bones for a Hudd, less alone several of them, plus a reel, plus a rod. Why shouldn 't I fish with 17 lbs test ? you like it heavier I don 't, whatever tickles your fancy.
  5. Just let me ask you, is there any particular reason why you don 't believe I 've done it or you just happen to have the exclusivity and Fourbizz is the only one that catches big bass ?
  6. Just to clear up, the outboard may "old" in years model but it may be brand new ( no use at all ) when such is the case then the mix ratio should be 25:1 for the first full tank ( break in ), after that 50:1
  7. I 'll be danged :-?, now instead of "working" ( which in theory I 'm doing now ) I 'm gonna spend the time watching videos.
  8. Dude, if it didn 't hold up I wouldn 't use it. :
  9. Yeah, and if what you want is really strong why not a 2 inch dia rope ? The greatest numbers in my sb arsenal is formed by 2-4 oz baits, I fish them all with 17 lbs Trilene XT.
  10. Exactly, the worst case scenario ----> it don 't work and you are out of one bait....... I can live with that.
  11. You can always settle with the bait as it comes from the package, sometimes it will work as it is other times it won 't, it may be the right bait but lacking of something to make it more appealing to the fish and many times slight modifications to the bait is the ticket to catching fish.
  12. You too ? :-? That makes two of us. :-[
  13. To a certain point there is a specific application, the conditions of the water and the weather make you choose one over the other, for example, in muddy water I would rather go with a bait that has more appendages with a larger profile ( larger profile = more water displacement, more appendages = more water displacement and more vibration ) than with a slender profile or small appendages, the water is muddy, visibility is poor ---> the fish don 't find the bait by sight. Such thing my friend in the real world does not exist, plastic baits are not meant to be rigged exclusively or specifically for any particular rigging technique, it 's you who determines how to rig it, the rigging techique is chosen for the application which is determined by the where, what and how you plan to fish depending upon the conditions. In other words, you can rig a bait in any way you want it.
  14. I 'm just an instrument.
  15. Check out TW, Chronarchs are for sale ! $187 for a Chronarch Mg.
  16. Not all the units and not all the time you can see a thermocline on your sonar unit, sometimes you can se a line but not always, a shure sign of a thermocline is the way the fish icons on your screen are distributed, if you see no fish under a particular depth while you see fish icons concentrated above that depth range you can be shure there 's a thermocline.
  17. What banners ? I don 't see nuthin ' ! actually I don 't see any kind of banners on my screen.
  18. Just be pretty darn shure you don 't loose the tail on those, spares are almost impossible to find.
  19. Just remember, the use of a snap to quickly change your lures is not a license to be lazy and not check the condition of your line on a regular basis to check for signs of abrassion and/or wear. People think that 's so kool you can change lures quickly that forget one of the most basic aspects of fishing: The only link between you and the fish is the line and it 's only as good as the line you are using as a link.
  20. Ask The Nautral about them, he got a bunch.
  21. Gentlemen, we 're not discussing the 2nd amendment, we 're not discussing if you have the right to own guns or not, if it 's old or not, if it 's right or not. The opinion of many members who have been in the military and it 's their opinion that under no circumstances a child can be allowed to fire an automatic weapon, heck, not even under "supervision" a child should be allowed to be even nowhere near an automatic weapon, less alone fire it. The only persons responsible for this tragic event to happen are: 1.- The s*t for brains father allowing the kid to fire the weapon ( what can you expect from someone with s*t for brains ? ) 2.- The "instructor" which by the way is at the same level of the father, the "instructor" also has s*t for brains. This event only proves that if there is the slightest and most infinitesimal chance that something can go wrong you can bet it will go wrong. The only way to always win rolling the dice is not rolling at all.
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